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Prepackaged song production and mix?

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  • optofonik

    I don’t know if I should lol, weep in despair, or fly into a rage. I hope this is just very funny satirical commentary. As such…


    "Let us wander through a great modern city with our ears more attentive than our eyes..."

    Luigi Russolo, 1913

    Jay Coover

    @optofonik – Well, you can laugh, but EZMix was already a step in this direction to begin with.

    Most hosts will allow you to create song templates. You’d still have to add EZMix in all the right places, choose the right preset in EZMix, tweak a bit, then save that as a template, but then you’d essentially have what you are talking about.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    @ optofonik – you just laughed out loud to all of the EZ mix users out there. The fact that you are in this forum makes me wonder. You must be a big time record producer/engineer yourself who spent a fortune…………. oook, i’ll stop right here. LOL!

    Jay Coover

    Hey, noob, let’s not pile on here.

    Carry on.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    I think I saw a sign at the previous crossroad, you should taken left there for the kindergarten…

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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