Pre Sales Questions…

Requests and Feedback
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  • John


    1) Can I access all the midi files that were included with the SDX bundles from EZ Drummer? I know I cannot access the sounds, but can I use the tap to find function for those groves as well?


    2) Can I use a qwerty keyboard to tap in beats? (not use a midi controller)… This would be ideal since I travel a lot.

    No, but you can tap with your mouse/trackpad on the drums in the interface.

    3) Can I sell the EZ Drummer license if they upgrade Superior Drummer to include this function?

    If you buy a regular version, not second hand, it should be no problem provided you follow the normal procedures and contact Toontrack before selling.
    Please see:

    4) Can I store my music libraries on a separate hard drive? There isn’t an install location option in the Toontrack Product Manager…..Grrrr!

    Yes, please see this FAQ:

    5) Are all the SDX libraries on a DVD (like the NY 3 bundle)?… I prefer this as they are huge files and my internet speed is pretty slow.

    When Toontrack launched the Product Manager, the product line was meant to move away from shipping physical media but there will be retailers having DVD’s in stock for a while. If you wish to buy directly from Toontrack, I recommend you head over to:
    and click ‘Contact Support’ and ask if it is possible.

    6) Is there a cross grade option for owner’s of Superior Drummer?

    No, there is no cross-grade that way, only from EZdrummer 2 to Superior 2.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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