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post here only your S2.0 projects

Studio Corner
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  • Rogue

    hum, I think the attachments have not been moved to our new servers so currently they will not be available I’m afraid. Apology for the inconvenience.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    I can’t download attachments. I get a “file not found” message. is there a problem with the files?


    ORIGINAL: NecroManson

    I can’t download attachments. I get a “file not found” message. is there a problem with the files?

    Read the post directly above your’s.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    oh yeah. thx… have anyone the metalkits from gayface??? can someone send me the presets?


    ORIGINAL: Scott

    ORIGINAL: NecroManson

    I can’t download attachments. I get a “file not found” message. is there a problem with the files?

    Read the post directly above your’s.

    Well, will this error be fixed anytime soon? It still says “File not found” when trying to download.


    I want these projects!
    Please repair the download links.


    we are aware of the problem and are looking into it but we have other matters to resolve first.

    On a sidenote, the majority of the posters requesting these project files do not have the product in the first place, so that is unlikely to jump up the priority list. In the meantime there is nothing to stop the original posters re-uploading the files… a pain perhaps but that’s a valid solution.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    I have updated the first of my posts with a new ZIP archive.
    I hadn’t saved the other ‘A Brand New Day’ Project, so I am working on re-saving it.

    I also took the liberty of posting the project files user ‘gayface’ posted in another thread, referred to in this thread.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi everyone,
    Here´s a metal kit I´ve been working on. It´s fairly dry but quite well balanced and natural sounding…at least in my opinion
    In ProTools I only added Lo-Fi with .2 distortion for a little bite, otherwise it´s all “in the box”.
    You need Allaire, MetalFoundry and Drumkit from hell EZX for this preset to work.
    Feel free to comment!

    MacPro 2x2.66 GHz, 8 Gt RAM, OSX 10.5.8, ProTools 9.0.6 + Mbox2 pro


    Anyone managed to get the classic Guns ‘n’ Roses preset or have one that sounds pretty close to it? I realy want Steven Adlers snare sound!

    Regards, Marcus.

    Brian Hill

    Here’s a preset that combines C&V’s Noble and Cooley kit with the ambience from Avatar Studios. It uses MIDI nodes to layer the x-drums from the Avatar kit onto the Noble and Cooley kit. Only the ambience mics are used from the Avatar kit pieces. I think this is what Peter Henderson did in his preset that he describes in the C&V video. See this post:



    Posting here now C&V MKII is soon to be released.
    I can’t post the result of what I originally composed and produced. The MP3 below and the attached Project is the result of when I tried to re-create inside the S2 plugin only. The MIDI file in the archive is simply a part of me playing along to the Salem song I am referring to.
    If nothing else it proves that the sounds can be shaped to a much more ‘un-organic’ sound than you’d think

    ORIGINAL: John
    I had a reason to get a drum sound like in Salem Al Fakir’s song ‘Roxy’.
    After I had done it in Pro Tools my curiosity got the better of me and I tried the best I could to create it inside S2. Granted, it doesn’t sound the same and I can’t use the same trix as with pitching down audio files and Reverbs but I think I got pretty close.
    It is a very processed and pretty ‘fat’ sound, not at all like the more organic sound I normally go for with C & V.
    I made an MP3 of the S2 Project here: with just a touch of Studio A Reverb.
    The Project file is attached with an accompanying MIDI file. It has a Rev Send to out 3/4.

    It would be interesting to know if it ‘works’ for someone else…or if you think I have gone barking…


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hello all.

    I wanted to share a kit I made – It’s a Bonham kit which I think turned out pretty good
    I spent weeks tweaking, comparing to his sound etc….
    Hope you like it 🙂
    This is the S20 file

    It’s base is using the Metal Foundry SDX.
    The x-drums added are from: Evil Drums, Custom & Vintage SDX & just one cymbal using the old Vintage Rock EZX so again, that can always be replaced with something else.

    Enjoy & feel free to tweak if you like of course.


    -Roland TD12
    -Mac OS 10.6/4 GB 667 MHz/2.4 GHz Intel Core 2
    -Logic Express 9, Apogee Duet
    -SD2,NY Studios, Metal Foundry, C&V SDX, Music City
    -EZX's: Jazz, Nashville, Funkmasters, DFH, Vintage Rock
    -Evil Drums


    …..And here is the Bonham tts file


    -Roland TD12
    -Mac OS 10.6/4 GB 667 MHz/2.4 GHz Intel Core 2
    -Logic Express 9, Apogee Duet
    -SD2,NY Studios, Metal Foundry, C&V SDX, Music City
    -EZX's: Jazz, Nashville, Funkmasters, DFH, Vintage Rock
    -Evil Drums


    Thought it’d be fun to try to copy the drum sound on “Sad But True” from Metallica’s Black Album with SD2. Here’s a 1:00 demo I did of it, first with guitars/bass, then without. I mixed the guitars a little low on purpose, and there are no 3rd party plugs on these drums, except for a tiny bit of limiting on the whole mix to prevent a few clips. It’s not a loud mix… didn’t want to skew the preset with too much 3rd party limiting. The guitars and bass were recorded direct with Waves GTR Solo. Also, the ambient mics are kind of in a happy medium… the guitars sucked up a lot of ambient decay, but then I wanted the kit to be fun to play solo, but not be swimming in ambient mics. The ambients could be a little louder in hindsight on the guitar mix.

    Then just the drums…

    I may go back to it and try to get the cymbals/hats to “burn” a little more in the highs… it’d be easiest to just have cyms/drums in separate kits, but I wanted to share this and that’d be a pain in the ass!

    Here’s the SD2 preset if you want it…

    I went a little overboard with x-drums because it was REALLY hard to reproduce the room decay on the snare!! But in the end if I muted one, the tone thinned out too much for me. I guess the bummer is, it’s not that easy to share, because not everyone goes bananas and buys every SD2 pack out there!

    This kit loads with all the layer limits at 4-6, but the demo was bounced with them slammed to 99.

    Kits Used:

    Metal Foundry (whole kit – mostly close mics on drums)
    Allaire (tom ambients, snare ambients and close mics)
    Hit Factory (snare ambients)
    Evil Drums (snare ambs and close)
    Nashville (snare ambs and close)

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