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Positional Sensing in which SDXs/ Expansions/ Kits?

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  • Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    All SDXs except Hit Factory offer a simple version of positional sensing
    for the snare. What this feature does is to allow CC control of whether
    the Center or Edge articulation should be played. Hit Factory has no
    Edge articulation, so there is nothing for positional sensing to do there.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Brian Girvan

    Wow!!!! Thanks so much for the quick response. Much Appreciated…I’ve seen a couple of posts that seem to suggest that neither ‘Custom& Vintage’ nor ‘Roots’ support positional sensing either.


    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Ah, sorry, I forgot about C&V. True, it also lacks positional sensing.
    Roots has it, though.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Brian Girvan


    Brian Girvan

    Just got this response from Toontrack:

    Hi Brian,
    Sorry for the delay.
    It is just the Hit Factory in NY vol. 2 SDX and Custom & Vintage SDX that don’t support positional sensing (Allaire from Ny Vol2 SDX does support it). Positional Sensing is broken in Roots though – It was fixed years ago but there has been no update for some reason.
    Best Regards,
    Toontrack Music
    Best Regards,
    Toontrack support


    Don’t you think it’s important to mention in the spec sheet for the SDX’s? Surely it can’t be much effort to add this important information. I was disappointed today to discover today that Custom & Vintage does not support positional sensing – I realised when I saw that the only articulations for the C&V snares are center, rimshot and sidestick, whereas the core snares have Center, Off Center and Edge as well as rimshot and sidestick. I’ve always found the C&V kits to sound a little duller and less realistic than the Core kits and this explains why – disappointing after purchasing an expensive add-on that was meant to improve the sounds from the stock ones.

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