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plugin host required?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Whitten

    Yes, you need a DAW like Cubase, Logic, Reaper etc…..
    Toontrack has it’s own host called ‘Solo’, but compared to a standard DAW it’s much more limited in what you can do. ‘Solo’ is much more aimed at real time performance.
    In my opinion, if you want to take advantage of the positive features in EZdrummer or Superior, a computer sequencer such as Logic, or Reaper is definitely the way to go.


    Excuse me for jumping in, but to add to that question……I too am just beginning to try and learn about home recording. We have on our pc, ezdrummer within solo, ezplayer (free version) and record, from reason (our DAW).
    I have spent days now trying to save a drum pattern (which every time, I try to click and drag to ‘my midi files’ never prompts me to name the file so does not save. Nor does record allow me to click and drag into their software.
    Does anybody have any ‘beginners’ tips or advice on what to do next. True beginners help is hard to find, any tutorials I have found so far presume we already know about the basic terminology.
    Thanks so much!



    To clarify what Chris is saying, if you just want to play the EZDrummer with your e-drums, then the included TT-Solo host is perfectly adequate.

    If, however, you want to record and edit what you have played, then a proper DAW host is required.

    REAPER will not cost you to try, and relatively little to buy a licence, and the guys on the forum are friendly to newbies if you need help starting with a DAW and setting it up to work with your drums.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.

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