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Please make it possible to buy individual instruments. Some ideas…

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  • Whitten

    No, to be honest I actually just plucked dates out of the air as I couldn’t be bothered to check where and when the current line up of SDX’s were recorded.
    The truth!

    Mark Williams


    MBP 2.4 GHz | 4GB RAM | OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro 9.1.5 | Metric Halo LIO-8/4P | Apogee ONE SD 2.3.0 | EZP 1.1.0 | Drumtracker 1.0.2


    I remembered seeing a mention of this in a newsletter a while back. It’s archived here:

    The bit that interested me was “Then, what if we sprinkled in a new EZX or two, some fresh MIDI packs and the ability to buy individual drum set pieces for your Superior sound library?”

    ORIGINAL: jscomposer

    When I listen to the SDX samples, I hear only one or two sounds I like. A snare here, a kick there. Even with the holiday discount, it’s hard to justify buying an expansion pack for one or two sounds.

    Here’s an idea, since you wouldn’t want to post samples of individual sounds (for obvious reasons): for each song sample, have a list of the instruments along with a little buy button next to each. Price them just a little more than the regular price divided by the number of instruments in the SDX.

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