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PLEASE!!! Just a few more hats articulations in Funkmasters.

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  • Jay Coover

    Add whatever hats in Roots you like to Funkmasters as an xDrum replacing the hihats there.

    Choose “steal default” instead of “steal current” under “MIDI”. This will expose the Roots hihat mappings that you want.

    Map the Ambient Far or Chamber mic to Plate (whichever you like best) and the AMB Mid to Room. If you mix either of these up, make sure to go in and enable the x version of the hihat because it will be disabled by default as opposed to the rest of the natural kit ambience microphones.

    Leave vinyl/drum trash unmapped and don’t use the vinyl channel. There’s no equivalent between the two.

    Dig down and mix.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    Nah, that won’t do the trick. I know all about x-drums. So to clarify, the hats open bell tones in Funkmasters are hands down the best. Not even Roots comes close. But the regular open hats sound like they were recorded tip only. It really frustrates and baffles me why they would only record open tip articulations. The ideal solution (for me) would be for them to go back and record regular open hats articulations. Somehow I doubt that’ll happen, though I think it SHOULD, given how basic and ubiquitous this is. The suboptimal solution would be to use x-drums to bring in a second high hat for most of the basic rhythm stuff.

    I just realized all the crash articulations were recored tip-only as well. So ideally (once again, for me) would be they go back and record shoulder (shank? neck? whatever it’s called) articulations for Funkmasters cymbals and hats. The second best solution would be they make a Funkmasters SDX and not skimp on articulations. I only say that’d be second best from a cost and wait perspective.


    Yes those Crashes are very light with no real energy,The low end noise/rumble on the blocks could also be addressed .

    Jay Coover

    I do agree…Roots is definitely a light hitter’s library. There’s a place for that, but it won’t fit a lot of music.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    You can’t go back and add to any drum library.
    Mic positions change, levels on the console, a whole bucket load of variables that would make the additions unmatchable with the already recorded audio.


    Naturally,i agree too.
    I also would hope if FM could be in anyway updated (from original session) it would be much appreciated.but would have been done by now.


    I haven’t got the Roots SDX, so I cant comment on that, but there are a wealth of other SDXs with a similarly large range of Hi-hat articulations, surely one of those could be added to your kit for this? Don’t forget that SDX libraries are largely unprocessed, whereas EZX libraries contain more finished sounds -so they may not stand up to the FM sounds, raw out the box.

    What SDXs do you have? As an example of the articulations available, here is the Allaire HH list (quite representative of the others, looking through the mappings that I have). Maybe with a little processing, the hats could be X-Drummed in from another SDX?

    119 [Hats] Bell Closed

    065 [Hats] Seq Hits
    064 [Hats] Seq Hits
    063 [Hats] Tight Tip
    062 [Hats] Tight Edge
    061 [Hats] Closed Tip
    060 [Hats] Open 5

    056 [Hats] Bell Closed

    046 [Hats] Open 2
    044 [Hats] Closed Pedal
    042 [Hats] Closed Tip
    026 [Hats] Open 3
    025 [Hats] Open 2
    024 [Hats] Open 1
    023 [Hats] Open Pedal
    022 [Hats] Closed Edge
    021 [Hats] Closed Pedal
    020 [Hats] hatsBellTrig
    019 [Hats] hatsTipTrig
    018 [Hats] hatsTrig
    017 [Hats] Open 4
    016 [Hats] Open Tip 5
    015 [Hats] Open Tip 4
    014 [Hats] Open Tip 3
    013 [Hats] Open Tip 2
    012 [Hats] Open Tip 1
    011 [Hats] Closed Tip
    010 [Hats] Closed Pedal
    009 [Hats] hatsBellTrig
    008 [Hats] hatsTipTrig
    007 [Hats] hatsTrig

    I don’t mean to demean your request here, I have EZX libraries and I’d love TT to add articulations to them as updates if it were possible to go back to the session files (if those articulations were actually recorded), but there may be a way to find the articulations and the sounds you are looking for.

    Edit: After having a good explore around my libraries and an extensive listen, I see what you mean about the FM hats, very nice crisp, tingy sounds, but limited articulations.

    I looked around for comparable sounds, some of the C&V hats sound similar with some processing (compression to enhance punch, tik or clack, and EQ to pull out some boxiness and enhance the HH fundamental area, maybe some pitch adjustment…), but not quite there -they are very nice hat sounds as a benchmark.

    I’d like to have listened to them in the room, and I’d like to hear something similar in an SDX.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Hold the Phone after checking FM Clyde within SD2 we have these as choices (18)
    There is a awesome bell closed articulation there i missed on the EZx.>

    Closed,closed tip,tight ,tight tip,sequence,open1,2,3,4.
    BELL CLOSED,bell open1,2,open pedal,closed pedal,hats trg1,2,3,4

    Triggering from an E-kit you can only get 2 closed (edge and regular)and 2 open (edge and Regular ) articulations from a dual zone
    so it makes sense to be the edge or tip,still its a valid concern as these Hats do sit so well.


    Going with what Juicy says, the only articulation Clyde seems to be missing compared to the majority of SDX libraries is Open5, so that’s not too bad.

    I don’t have Roots, so I can’t comment on it, but Allaire has Open AND Open Tip 1 to 5 which the other SDXs (and EZXs) don’t seem to have. If Roots does have these articulations, then it would be a long shot to include them in the JM, as most SDXs don’t appear to have them (I haven’t compared MIDI 12&24, and MIDI 16&17 on the others yet to see).

    Addendum: Hit factory does, and apparently the Evil Drums library has closed and open tip articulations (although ED only has up to Open4).

    Trying to compare them directly is difficult as there is rather a mixed bag of HH articulations across the SDX range…


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.



    I have NY Avatar, Metal Foundry and Roots bundle. I also have 9 EZXs.

    I brought up Roots because it’s the first and only kit I have that has both “open” and “open tip” articulations on the high hats. After listening to both I went back to Funkmasters and realized that all the “open” articulations are in fact open tip. I was always disappointed in Funkmasters “open” hats articulations, and now I know why. Besides being relatively light, they were played tip only.

    Unfortunately no other EZX or SDX that I have has an open bell tone on the hats that comes anywhere near the exquisite tone in Funkmasters. It’s those Meinl hats (and probably Stubblefield’s and Stark’s touch ). And no other Toontrack kit has them. So I can only hope they make another EZX or SDX with those hats and include proper open hat articulations–i.e., not just open tip…


    I agree about that open bell tone -it seems that the hat really is open too, wide open!

    EZXs always are a bit of a compromise, the processing is already done and there are limited articulations compared to the SDX libraries. It’s a pity that the FM set wasn’t done as an SDX.

    I wonder if we can persuade TT to release a hat or cymbal-biased SDX? Something with lots of brassware to add to other libraries.

    I wonder if anyone has catalogued all the cymbals and hats in all the SDX/EXZs?


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Allaire does have all articulations.Regular Open x5 ,Tip Open x5, Bell Open x2 .
    Hit Factory’s has too.
    I know this does not change FM but thought it was valid to put here.

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