Playing with EZdrummer drumkit along with a backing track, how?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Steve Gazay

    I need to try this, but what if you take an iPad or phone, run cable from stereo jack to rca inputs on the back of the dm10 module. I have a headphone jack to R/L rca cable. That should still be output to an amp to play along.

    However with Asio driver you won’t be able to do that with your laptop. That’s why I’m looking at focusrite 2i4 instead of using ASIO.

    It’s late, so will need to,think about this in the morning.


    @joselovito_1 said:
    Hi, I’m using EZdrummer as a drumkit when playing on my alesis dm10 module because I highly prefer EZdrummer’s sounds, the thing is that ASIO doesn’t allow for another sound to play, so i can’t play a backing track in the background.
    Any suggestions?  

    I use Cubase for this purpose. I just add audio tracks to a project (one drumless track, one click track, sometimes the original drum only track as well) and Superior Drummer 3 as an own track (of course works with EZDrummer as well). In the mixer section of Cubase the volume of the different tracks can be adjusted individually.

    This setup works well also for recording own drums and analyzing it later.

    I use Cubase 9 LE from a magazine’s disc for around 15 EUR, I think any other DAW software will work as well.

    Regards Reiner2017-12-30-13-45-001.png


    I have the same problem. I have a Roland TD1-KPX connected with Ez Drummer by USB/MIDI port and ASIO driver. And I cannot play any backing track mp3 together, the ASIO driver occupied this audio port.

    Is it possible to open a mp3 file within Ez Drummer?

    Is there any other solution for this?

    Anybody try to use Audacity to play de ez drummer and mp3 audio together?


    Luiz Claudio


    Dunno if you’re still following this thread at all, but my ezdrummer most of the time has worked fine with ASIO at the same time as using the same device for tidal for example.



    check below

    1. ASIO4ALL: Use ASIO4ALL to allow multiple applications to share your audio interface.
    2. Virtual Audio Cable: Try VB-Audio Virtual Cable or Voicemeeter to create virtual audio devices for separate routing.
    3. Separate Audio Interfaces: If possible, use different audio interfaces for EZdrummer and system audio.
    4. DAW Software: Use a DAW to host both EZdrummer and your backing track, routing their outputs within the software.
    5. Check EZdrummer Settings: Explore EZdrummer’s settings for any options to route its output to a different device or channel.

    You can also check admin


    Thank you


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