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Piezos and foam cones

E-drum Workshop
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  • Mark King

    In the UK I get them from Maplins but you haven’t indicated where you are.
    I was unable to find anywhere to source the Roland or any other foam cones
    So I made my own after trying out different types of foam. I too would be interested
    To know if anyone knows where to get these now.

    SD3 with older sdx,s plus Rooms of Hansa and Death & Darkness. Cubase and wavelab current versions. Roland TD50x using all trigger inputs for triggering SD3 only. Windows 11 computer. Various keyboards and outboard gear as well as VST instruments. Acoustic drums: Yamaha 9000 natural wood and Pearl masters. Various snare drums. RME BabyFace Pro FS and Adam A7X monitors


    try conetrigger/quartz percussions on ebay

    eg item number 200530281800

    ship from canada, very quickly and cheap too. I don’t think that roland stock these any more.


    I made some diy cones from foam kneeling mats used by gardeners. Work a treat and cost next to nothing. I simply cut two discs from the mat and stick one on top of the other using strong double sided tape. Then I just cones off the top using electric carving knife (work great for cutting rockwool for sound proofing too). Seriously it may sound a bit homebrew but they work great.


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