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  • John


    EZX:s work with Superior 2, yes.
    If you ask me, it’s worth having an EZX if it fits what you’re looking for. Hopefully some user will chime in with their take on it.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I own both ez drummer and superior drummer and I honestly use ezx more often than not, so I would say yes. But it depends on what you are doing; If you plan to mix drums in your DAW then probably not. I do some recording but it is mostly to make my own jam tracks (I am a guitar player). The Ezx are just ready to go so that is what I use most. plus, I use the ez drummer song creator a lot so that also requires ezx. After I originally got superior, I had the same dilemma. I haven’t got it yet (but it is on my list) The progressing ezx and the progressive foundry sdx will be probably be my next purchase. I initially didn’t want the ezx because I felt it would be redundant but then I thought how much I still use metal machine and I own metal machinery. Also noting even though they use the same samples, they don’t sound the same (even with the included presets in the SDX). Could the sdx be made to sound as good or better than the ezx (I am positive it can, just not by me…yet). The SDX in my opinion even with the presets are a little more raw because they are meant to be a starting point for your tinkering to dial in your own unique signature sound where as the EXZ are designed to just be dropped into your final mix. Well that’s my 2 cents anyway.

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