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Overhead mics used for Avatar kit?

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  • Scott

    CONSOLE Neve 8068 CHANNELS/MICS/ROUTINGS KickIn AudioTechnica AE 2500 A -> Pulteq MEQ-5 -> GML EQ 8200 KickIn AudioTechnica AE 2500 B -> Pulteq -MEQ5 -> LA2A KickOut U47 FET -> Neve EQ -> KickSub Yamaha NS10 -> Neve EQ SnareTop Shure SM56 -> Pulteq EQP SnareBottom AKG 451 -> Neve EQ Tom1 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom2 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom3 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom4 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom5 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Hihat AKG 451 -> Neve EQ OH AKG 460 -> Neve EQ AMB Close Neumann KM54 -> Neve 33609 Compressor AMB Mid Coles -> SSL Compressor AMB Far Neumann U87 -> LA-3A AMB Mono Brauner VMA -> Trowbridge preamp -> Trowbridge Comp AMB Bullet Bulletmic -> Johnson Compressor

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks Scott!

    Tony Anderson

    @Scott said:
    CONSOLE Neve 8068 CHANNELS/MICS/ROUTINGS KickIn AudioTechnica AE 2500 A -> Pulteq MEQ-5 -> GML EQ 8200 KickIn AudioTechnica AE 2500 B -> Pulteq -MEQ5 -> LA2A KickOut U47 FET -> Neve EQ -> KickSub Yamaha NS10 -> Neve EQ SnareTop Shure SM56 -> Pulteq EQP SnareBottom AKG 451 -> Neve EQ Tom1 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom2 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom3 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom4 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Tom5 Top Sennheiser 421 / Bottom Sennheiser 421 -> Bottom to Drawmer Gate -> Both bussed to NeveEQ Hihat AKG 451 -> Neve EQ OH AKG 460 -> Neve EQ AMB Close Neumann KM54 -> Neve 33609 Compressor AMB Mid Coles -> SSL Compressor AMB Far Neumann U87 -> LA-3A AMB Mono Brauner VMA -> Trowbridge preamp -> Trowbridge Comp AMB Bullet Bulletmic -> Johnson Compressor  

    @ Scott. When I play the Avatar kit in mixer view and adjust the bleed for the ambience tracks, I noticed that the imaging for Close, MID, and Far are different. E.g. with AMB Mid the snare is panned off to the left. Is there a way adjust this? or is that how the mic position was for that stereo setup?


    @skyanderson said:

    @ Scott. When I play the Avatar kit in mixer view and adjust the bleed for the ambience tracks, I noticed that the imaging for Close, MID, and Far are different. E.g. with AMB Mid the snare is panned off to the left. Is there a way adjust this? or is that how the mic position was for that stereo setup?  

    You can try using the channel panning to center the snare more. Yes, the imaging in the room mics vary.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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