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Our new album with SD 2.0 and Music City SDX

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  • Mike Pierre

    Hi Manolo

    I like it a lot, has just downloaded the album, very special music. Always good

    Must admit I don’t listen to much music coming from France. An alltime favorite of mine is Agressor’s Neverending Destiny, believe they are from France.

    I like the sound of the drums, I regozine that Music City Kick drum.


    Mac Mini - Pro Tools 8.0 - Roland TD 20/TDW - ToonTrack

    Jesper Borsch

    Hey Manolo.
    That whas new to me.. even though i dont get mutch i like the sound..
    well done.. and keep it up.


    Hey guys, thanks for your comments ! .

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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