Options? I have Superior and would like to use EZD2’s drop in midi creation functions

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Erik Phersson

    I’m afraid that there are no other option than to buy EZdrummer 2. There’s a demo available now so you can try it out if you’d like.

    Erik Phersson - Toontrack
    Head Of Development


    @Erik said:

    I’m afraid that there are no other option than to buy EZdrummer 2. There’s a demo available now so you can try it out if you’d like.

    I for one love the new features and options that you guys has done with EZdrummer 2. Great great step in the right direction. Im all for this.
    What I dont get, and this is more serious to me is why on earth you choose to fuck with people who buys and pay for Superiour Drummer.

    In my opinion and mind you are doing this the wrong why by interducing these wonderful features in your EZdrummer line before the Superiour line. I would say that I would have expected at least a “upgrade” option for Superiour. In my world its NOT repectfull business.


    Erik Phersson

    @Peter Simonsen said:

    In my opinion and mind you are doing this the wrong why by interducing these wonderful features in your EZdrummer line before the Superiour line.

    EZdrummer has always been about the Songwriters and Superior have always been the Producers tool. In that light it makes perfect sense to add Songwriting features to EZdrummer. Exactly what we will add to Superior Drummer 3 is not yet set in stone. We might add some of the new features from EZdrummer but It will still mainly be aimed for the Producers however.

    Having a “cross-grade” path from Superior to EZdrummer 2 is something we have seen requested a lot lately and something that I will move on to the marketing/sales team.

    Erik Phersson - Toontrack
    Head Of Development


    @Erik said:

    @Peter Simonsen said:

    In my opinion and mind you are doing this the wrong why by interducing these wonderful features in your EZdrummer line before the Superiour line.

    EZdrummer has always been about the Songwriters and Superior have always been the Producers tool. In that light it makes perfect sense to add Songwriting features to EZdrummer. Exactly what we will add to Superior Drummer 3 is not yet set in stone. We might add some of the new features from EZdrummer but It will still mainly be aimed for the Producers however.

    Having a “cross-grade” path from Superior to EZdrummer 2 is something we have seen requested a lot lately and something that I will move on to the marketing/sales team.

    I can follow that, but will add that at leat I for one find that in 2014 producers/songwriters etc are often the same guys and dolls these days. Time runs fast, as Im sure you know. More now than ever time is money in this business. We need to work fast. and having 2 software to do one task is imho not optimal. ymmv

    Kind regards



    Peter said, “Having a “cross-grade” path from Superior to EZdrummer 2 is something we have seen requested a lot lately and something that I will move on to the marketing/sales team.”


    This would be a wonderful alternative for the time between now and when S3 actually will be available.

    But I also second Peter in that this should’ve been available first to Superior owners.

    Hopefully the best features of EZ2 will be incorporated into S3. I don’t want to lose the quality of all my S2 libraries, but the song construction and manipulation of grooves into something brand new is a must have for a serious producer.

    Thanks for great products

    Rene Wilhelmy

    +1 for a “cross-grade” path from Superior to EZdrummer 2.
    I’m having S2 + Roots SDX, but also Nashville EZX + Jazz EZX + Vintage Rock EZX (without EZD1), and little surprised having no path around this very nice baby.
    Well I’ll keep my fingers crossed about this…


    Asus P5BDel, Win7 x64, Cubase 9.5, Harrison Mixbus 32C, Sound Devices MixPre 6, UAD-2 Solo, DFH, DFHS, S2, EZX Jazz, EZX Vintage rock & EZX Nashville

    Al Miller

    I keep reading references to Superior 3. Is there a ball park release date guess…like in 2014 or later…something? I like the features added to EZDrummer 2 but I don’t want to buy it and find out I have to pay AGAIN for an upgrade to Superior 3 when it comes out right around the corner with the same features.


    @almiller said:

    I keep reading references to Superior 3. Is there a ball park release date guess…like in 2014 or later…something? I like the features added to EZDrummer 2 but I don’t want to buy it and find out I have to pay AGAIN for an upgrade to Superior 3 when it comes out right around the corner with the same features.

    That is indeed one more very impotant aspect of this as well ;-). Good post.

    Kind regards


    Brian gore

    @Erik said:

    I’m afraid that there are no other option than to buy EZdrummer 2. There’s a demo available now so you can try it out if you’d like.

    Toontrack… I have suggestion, why not offer full ezd2 and discounted rate to Superior 2 owners? That to me would promote good customer service and give the perception of meeting your customers half way. I really don’t think it was thought through clearly before the rollout, or at least on this topic.

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