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no Option to save “PRESETS” in some Boxes? Why ? ….

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  • John


    I would say the idea is that you save those kind of edits as Mapping Presets on the MIDI In/E-drums page.
    This not as “destructive” as editing the actual MIDI note assignments, which may break compatibility with Toontrack MIDI and depending which kind of edits you perform, also GM compatibility.

    When you save User Instruments, MIDI note assignments are saved as well as other changes like the HH CC Edits, so User Instruments might be an alternative. Or just saving a Drum and Mixer Preset, which later lets you load certain parts of it. Or the entire Project as Default.

    That said, I agree all kinds of user presets are generally a good thing.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    yes i know about that option but it’s not really handy,

    .. to many steps to do one single easy task

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