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New to Drummer 2.0

Studio Corner
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  • redlogic

    Read the Manual.
    Go, scroll down and click the Tutorials Tab.
    There are several (18) excellent Superior Drummer videos.

    Macmini 2019 3.2 GHz 6-Core i7, 32GB RAM, MacOS 10.15.2, LogicProX 10.4.8, FF400, UAD2 Satellite Octo

    Mike Pierre

    Remember to update to version 2.2.3.

    Mac Mini - Pro Tools 8.0 - Roland TD 20/TDW - ToonTrack

    Chris Kohler

    Ha! I am as newbie as a newbie can B too. Could one of you please point me to any threads that might tell me how to get EZDrummer on to Protools LE? I’m a newbie on LE too….so were workin with just a few hard marbles smackin around me skull here folks.


    Hi skronger,

    besides checking out the ‘EZdrummer from a Songwriter’s perspective’ video on Toontrack TV, please see:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Chris Kohler

    Thanks John…i should have said i am in North CHina and cant see the toontrack videos. I can go to that link you give and well……it says there have been 337 views and under the word “Solution:” thre is an empty box and no thread of conversations…not sure if thats suppose to be a video or a bunch of people talkin about EZ and protools.

    Anyways, thanks for trying so far.

    Chris Kohler

    I better say i tried dragging some files from the EZDrummer “Sounds” folder on my hard drive, the wav files that are a mostly less than 100 kb. I mean dragging them from the workspace to a new Stereo instrument track. When i start to drag them, they seem to drag ok, but when i release, they just bounce back to the workspace. The looper doesnt turn on and i cant play those files in workspace even on single take.

    I can drag the tiny EZDrummer “midi” files from the Midi folder into/onto a new stereo track and it shows as little tick marks on the track, but no sound.

    So, this is my beginner’s stupidity level. I have been able to record some vocals, midi bass (draw…i have no controller), and i CAN drag protools wav file loops in (oo yea…i’m soo smart). The difference is that under “Kind” they are identified as “audio files” of about 500kb, with the little green metronome icon. The EZDrummer files under “Kind” are identified as “unknown” if that makes any difference.



    you’re not using EZdrummer the way you’re supposed to.
    Please start a topic in the EZdrummer DAW section and we’ll help you there:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Chris Kohler

    Ok John, thanks. I posted one called “Getting EZDrunmmer working in Protools LE”

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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