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New Song X-12

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  • onewayout_1

    NICE Glennbo!!

    I’m listening to it on by small Bluetooth computer speaker and the drums are jumping out amazingly!! Everything in the mix is CLEAR and clean Bud!

    I take it your a reaper user too as I think I saw this title on the chat page over there today too (-;


    @onewayout_1 said:
    NICE Glennbo!!

    I’m listening to it on by small Bluetooth computer speaker and the drums are jumping out amazingly!! Everything in the mix is CLEAR and clean Bud!

    I take it your a reaper user too as I think I saw this title on the chat page over there today too (-;  

    Thanks onewayout!

    The drums on this are a new setup I just created in Reaper using Superior 2 with the 1962 Ludwig samples from Allaire and the Ludwig Black Beauty from Hit Factory. I’m running the kick, snare, and toms each through their own Sleepy Time transient shaper, ReaEQ, ReaXcomp, Waves DBX160 compressor, and W1 limiter in that order. I’m not using any FX from within Superior 2, and bring the Kick, Snare, Toms, HiHat, Overhead, and Room Ambience into Reaper as separate tracks and process them there.

    Just earlier today I setup a new blank project with this drum kit all pre-mixed with FX as my default “New Project” template, so any new projects will start from there. 🙂

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