New song with Rock Solid EZX and Indie Folk EZX to check out!

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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    “Think about it tomorrow“ to me is almost like Gary Numan meets The Cars. Overall, good stuff as always. Only thing that I can think of, from my own point of view, is that if I was doing it I probably would have eased up on the vocal aggression in the verse lines and let it all out on the chorus part. Sort of a “call and answer” if you will.

    “What are you asking“ To me has more of a Gary Numan meets Teenage Head type of sound. Again, good stuff.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    Bear-faced Cow,

    Thank you for listening and commenting, I appreciate it!  If you have any music you want me to review, leave me a link.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • This post was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by CHRIS.
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