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new release of my solo cd used EZ Drummer 2 and it worked great

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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    Overall the track is excellent, so if you don’t want to read any further, I’m okay with that.

    What I would probably would have done was bring the drums and vocals just a bit more forward as the guitars cut through very well. I might have also cut back the reverb/echo on the vocals in parts of the song as the song itself feels like it wants to be in your face but the vocals are holding it back. I’m also not perceiving the bass guitar, which would add a bit of meat to the bottom (I would use the Bob Marlotte trick of separating the low from the mids in the bass guitar) and help to bring out the drums overall.

    Don’t let what I said sound like a detraction.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    Scott great tune, keep up the great work.

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