I appreciate all of the products you’ve created throughout the years (Before & after COVID-19 was how I found this place). I love the EZ Bass plugin you created for your new VST, but I feel there’s something missing, the guitar. I’m bringing this up because you have so many fascinating Instruments here, why not the guitar (EZ guitar)? Finally bass is here but we need a guitar plugin from you guys….you’ve done well thus far, but we need for you to make a EZ Guitar VST. from 6 – 9 string (all tuning presets for each key) as for this and bass. I’d like for you to add a tuning & string gauge change feature. This will allow your users to individually change each and every sting, note, & gauge wherever we see fit. For example…within destruction is a slam core band that played 7 string F# tuning in their album “Yokai” in 2021, then a 8-string drop C# tuning in their newest album “Lotus”. After the Burial’s Justin Lowe Played a 9-string C# standard tuning in their Album “Wolves Within” containing a playthrough of a track from the album. I’m asking for a EZ guitar plugin once again (my bad for the repetition) to add to the Toontrack family as you did for bass. Please make this plugin whenever you can. I know you’ll NEVER let us down.