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New Moths to Light song. Atmoshperic/Experimental rock/Metal

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  • Ghowe

    Anyone listen?


    Has anyone listened to my song? Anyone care to comment on it?

    Christian Derdul

    I really like it. Cool drum fill @2:38. Sounds like a lost track from Viva Emptiness you just need Jonas Renkse on vocals!

    Mac Pro 4.1, 2.26 GHz 8 Core, 28 GB RAM, OS X 10.10.5, Logic Pro 10.2.0, Apogee Duet


    Hey, thanks for the feedback. I’m a big Katatonia fan so that’s cool. Hopefully it doesn’t sound like I was trying to go for that , because that wasn’t the intention. Below I posted a video I just finished editing for this song. Check it out , and as always, feedback is welcome. Make sure to click HD when streaming. Also, this was filmed on a shitty android.

    -Gabe MTL

    Christian Derdul

    Great job on the video. It’s definitely original and I can feel the influence which is a good one to say the least.

    Mac Pro 4.1, 2.26 GHz 8 Core, 28 GB RAM, OS X 10.10.5, Logic Pro 10.2.0, Apogee Duet


    Thanks, Katatonia is def a band worth being compared to. Much appreciated man! and thanks for watching the vid. I just got final cut pro x and i’ve been messing with it.

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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