Hey guys, I’m new here and just had some questions. I, like most guitar players work full time and live in an apartment and don’t really have time to introduce myself to a drummer currently and be a part of the “metal band” thing right now, making a bunch of noise and pissing off neighbors. I just want to create my own solo project for the time being. I just wanted to know right off the bat, if I were to use some of the grooves and fills as they are from metal foundry and what not, publish a song I wrote, does that step on some sort of copyright law?
If not… cool!
So assuming you say no, I do not infringe on copyright laws and can use and publish a song with these grooves as they are then I would ask… Would this be realistic? Do any of you guys have solo projects published were essentially you are the entire band? I’m not really sure what kind of answers I’m looking for, but just want to hear your stories on what you guys are doing out there in the metal world. I really want my music to be profitable and because of that, I’m always asking myself, is it in the realm of possible to do this solo?