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new features on sd 2.3

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  • Mike Pierre

    I can’t figure out exactly how MHE works. Could somebody point it out?

    Mac Mini - Pro Tools 8.0 - Roland TD 20/TDW - ToonTrack

    botte david

    The knob is in the construction window in the instrument section… Put it to max and compare to zero, you’ll hear a big difference for cymbal swells but it works at this time only for the newly updated avatar and the new roots sdx… the others have to be updated before it works for them.

    TD- 9 SX + 1 crash + 1 tom Superior Drummer 2.3 with all SDX... except roots Electronic EZX, Classic EZX, Number 1 hits EZX, Metalmachine EZX Beatstation windows 7 64 bits, core 2 duo, ram : 8 gb

    Mike Pierre

    Thanks dbotte. I will give it a go.


    Mac Mini - Pro Tools 8.0 - Roland TD 20/TDW - ToonTrack

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    >the others have to be updated before it works for them.

    Actually, no. MHE is available to all drums in all libraries from the start.
    For some drums it may be somewhat improved by a library update. An
    update will also enable MHE by default for cymbals.

    /Olof W

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    botte david

    Hi ! ah… i made a mistake, i think updates are needed for the new mute tails articulations for cymbal choke, is it ok ?


    TD- 9 SX + 1 crash + 1 tom Superior Drummer 2.3 with all SDX... except roots Electronic EZX, Classic EZX, Number 1 hits EZX, Metalmachine EZX Beatstation windows 7 64 bits, core 2 duo, ram : 8 gb


    Updates are necessary for mute tails. Currently only available for Avatar (Superior Drummer core library) and both Roots SDX:s. More updates are in the works, but no ETA yet.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer

    Nicholas Tripodi

    Hi – any news on a Mute Tail update for Music City?

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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