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new EZGuitar

Requests and Feedback
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  • Si

    Very well said. An accomplished keyboard player can make virtual guitars like Native Instruments sound superb – as they do on the demos! But I’m a hunt and peck songwriter. Fiddling around with MIDI is laborious and nowhere close to the experience of EZDrums and EZBass, which I love with a passion. I guess guitar is hard being polyphonic with so many options, but Toontrack has nailed drums, bass, and keys. Why not guitars? I think there is a solid gap in the market for this. UJAM has a decent approach with plenty of strumming options, but again depends on the keyboard and IMO doesn’t sound that great, even with DI and a separate amp. Toontrack EZGuitar could be a game changer.


    Thanked by: skolarr


    Oui ! d’autant plus que nous n’avons aucune réponse précise sur le sujet  ?

    on aimeraient bien comprendre ?

    TOONTRACK Merci à vous SVP.


    Jesse Campfens

    Ha, I just (re) discovered this thread here.
    I’m glad I’m not the only one waiting for an EZguitar instrument. I really hope 2024 will be the year we’ll finally see it.

    There are a lot of Guitar VST out there, some are pretty great, but they all have their limitations or weaknesses. I look for dedicated engines for lead and for rhythm tasks, and unlimited (or easily editable) strumming patterns for the serious songwriter. I bet EZGuitar is a big, big challenge and I hope they’re able to crack the code!


    Salut ; oui ! mais toujours aucunes réponses ? ni de TOONTRACK ni de personne ? C’est quoi le problème ?


    Oscar Stern

    It would also be great for Song covers too.


    Salut ; oui ! mais toujours aucunes réponses ? ni de TOONTRACK ni de personne ? C’est quoi le problème ?


    Toontrack never has (and never will) share information about future projects on this forum. If you want to know more about new projects it’s probably best to follow them on Instagram. Toontrack is not alone on this. Most of the major companies in this industry (Native Instruments, Reason Studios, Toontrack, etc) refrain from using public forums to share information about projects that they’re working on.

    That is one of my criticisms of the big companies. I like the kind of interaction I can get from guys like Attila (RapidComposer) and Ralph (Jamstix). If you go onto their forums, you can make a feature request and get a response almost immediately. Attila is the best I’ve seen at doing this. Depending on the type of request, he’ll make it available on the next update later that week. And if it’s a request he can’t fulfill, he’ll decline the request and offer an explanation as to why. I really enjoy getting to have that kind of dialogue with the main developer of a plug in, something that’s missing from the bigger companies.  It makes it feel so much more personal.

    If you are looking for a response from Toontrack about EZGuitar, you’re not going to get it here. Or anywhere, for that matter. At least not until it’s announced. We’re a week and a half away from March, so a big announcement could be forthcoming. But I think it’s more likely that their big annual announcement will not happen until April. Or maybe they’ll do something similar to what they did last year with EZKeys 2 and tease us with an announcement during the last week of March, then make the big announcement the first week of April.


    Merci pour ta réponse très claire si j’ai bien compris y’a plus qu’a attendre….. Espérant que ça bouge !

    Salut Skolar :

    Oscar Stern

    Either way Toontrack does ROCK


    We’re about 3 weeks away from Toontrack’s big announcement for 2024. Perhaps I’m reading more into this than I should, but based on what they’ve posted on social media since March 1st I’m thinking the next big release will be SD4. All the posts for March (so far) have been about drums: highlighting drum kits and the best/favorite SD3 features. It’s hard to believe that Toontrack isn’t trying to telegraph something to as. It feels like they’re building to a dénouement: start with a series of SD3 highlights, then bring it to a conclusion at the end of the moth with a statement like: “We’ve revisited all your favorite features from SD3. Now get ready for the next generation”.

    If my prediction is right, this shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. There have been a lot of requests for SD4 and it is in need of an update. But unless it has some of the power features of Jamstix (ie, profiles based on professional drummers and the ability to mix elements from various player profiles a la carte to create your own unique drummer) I can’t see myself getting all that excited about SD4. So maybe there will not be an EZGuitar release this year. But what’s up with EZMix 3? It’s a plug in that’s in sore need of an update.


    Thanked by: Oscar Stern
    Oscar Stern

    Yeah so in 3 weeks, more musical instruments will come. This is totally going to ROCK.

    Karsten P.

    Well, EzGuitar is the next logical step, really. It would be challenging, but given the experience and know-how TT has, it shouldn’t be that much of a big deal. I mean there are some pretty good virtual guitars out there, but they are all lacking just a bit in some way or another.

    If TT can adopt the ease-of-use and functionalities of Ample Guitar (Strumming Engine, Riffer with Pattern Generator, TAB player, etc.), the realism of strumming sounds in AcousticSamples (Strategy) and the sample quality and release sounds of Orange Tree Samples and combine that with an extensive and customizable voicing tool, as well as midi patterns or such, it would be a winner!

    One of the key factors in my opinion is, how well they incorporate the different noises guitars and guitar players make, like fret noises, strings buzzing when hit too hard, the sound of the same note on different strings,  strum time, etc…..A lot of these features are out there but not in ONE plugin.


    Thanked by: Oscar Stern and Jesse Campfens
    Oscar Stern


    Oscar Stern

    EZMix 3 is coming & hopefully we might add EZGuitar.


    I would love to see Toontrack expand their lineup with EZGuitar. I own many of the guitar libraries from Orange Tree Samples and NI and they very sound good. However, they don’t have the same workflow as the EZ product line.

    • This post was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Quinn3k3.

    Bonjour ;

    Je ne sais pas quel problème ils ont pour ne pas sortir EZ guitare ? 

    c’est fou tous le monde le demande !

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