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new EZGuitar

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  • Gordino

    Thanks for the insight, I’m hoping you’re bang on . I am an  EZ program enthusiast happy with the EZ Drums 3, EZ keys 2, EZ Bass. and EZ mix. Recording is a hobby passion of mine that keeps this 72 year old kid going while continuing to experiment with various mixes of genres.




    Thanked by: Patrick Pearce and JRNezdrummer

    Yes please EZGuitar, bring it to the table


    Thanked by: JRNezdrummer
    Paul Bright

    As much as I wish they would…I think the chance of it ever seeing the light of day, is like there being one complete day on this planet that no one was fighting some type of war.

    Yes the product line would make a ton of money, because it would be so good, and yes dlc guitar types would also fill the coffers with gold.   Buy a les paul, but a Stratocaster, buy a Rickenbacker, buy a telecaster, buy a prs, etc . Etc.. buy midi pack Beatle guitar rhythms, rolling stone guitar rhythms, funk guitar rhythms, a pure cash cow waiting to happen…oh well….


    Paul Bright

    In the meantime my go to guitar right now is electri6ty.   It actually sounds pretty good.  Not as good as what these guys would do but we use what’s really there.   It has a telecaster, a Stratocaster, lipstick, L4, a Les Paul, a Les Paul p90 and a Rickenbacker.  All the guitars are fully amped, or in a DI configuration.   I’ve used all the guitars with overlouds th amp system plugin, and they sound wonderful.  The guitars have solo mode, polyphonic chord mode.  They have most everything you would expect from a guitar FX sound,muted, slides etc.   Again not as good as what toontrack would do, but at least it currently exists.

    • This post was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Paul Bright.
    Vern Cantrell

    Looking through the USPTO database a while back, they’ve had EZ Guitar trademarked for a number of years now. It’s at the least in the planning stages.


    Thanked by: JRNezdrummer

    Vous pensez qu’il va arriver ?

    Oscar Stern

    That would ROCK of course the MK VII in dream machine needs an update because the G#1 & A1 keys don’t sound when I click on them

    Oscar Stern

    The keys move but (even w/ it fully loaded) those 2 keys don’t make sound.

    Oscar Stern

    The nice thing though is that EZGuitar will have the option to change the number of strings (also for the new updated EZ Bass like maybe EZBass 2) so you could change the range & the largest note range will give you ultimate versatility.



    Bonjour ;

    Quelqu’un peut me dire quand EZ Guitare va sortir ??Je voie sur la réponse de Oscar au dessus il y’a quelque chose ? Merci à vous de m’éclairer SVP





    Bonjour ;

    Quelqu’un peut me dire quand EZ Guitare va sortir ??Je voie sur la réponse de Oscar au dessus il y’a quelque chose ? Merci à vous de m’éclairer SVP



    There is no information available about the release of EZGuitar, or if EZGuitar is even being worked on (though I’ve seen things around the Internet that lead me to believe that Toontrack is working on EZGuitar). About a year ago Rikk was directly asked in an interview if Toontrack is working on EZGuitar and his response was “It’s just as likely that we’ll release EZGuitar as it is that we’ll release EZAccordian” (that may be a paraphrase, but it’s essentially what he said). So it wasn’t an affirmative answer, but it wasn’t a “No” either.

    As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this thread, Toontrack’s pattern for the past 4-5 years has been to schedule one big release a year. It’s usually announced in March/April and released in April/May. I suspect they will follow a similar arrangement this year, which means that we’re a month or two away from a big announcement. If I were to guess, I think the next release will be EZMix 3, as it is a sorely needed update. I think it’s the only Toontrack plugin that hasn’t been updated to the VST 3 protocol. There was a huge sale for EZMix 2 and EZMix expansions a couple o weeks ago, which could be a clue as to what their plans are for 2024.

    I don’t want to trivialize EZMix 3, but I hope they have something more than that to offer this year. It would be awesome if they could release it alongside EZGuitar. While anything is possible, if EZGuitar is not announced in a few months, it’s unlikely that it will be released this year. I’m hoping that I’m wrong.


    Bonjour :

    Merci pour ta réponse qui j’espère sera appliquée par TONTRACK !!

    Oscar Stern

    That would ROCK


    Was just about add a post but thought “Of course they’re making one!…it’s a case of getting it to release qualification” I can imagine the tons of variables that have to get PO clearance then resolved in QA. My guess is Q4, this year.


    Was just about add a post but thought “Of course they’re making one!…it’s a case of getting it to release qualification” I can imagine the tons of variables that have to get PO clearance then resolved in QA. My guess is Q4, this year.

    It’s hard for me to believe that someone somewhere is not working on the next generation of guitar VIs. Over on IK Multimedia’s KVR Audio forum, there is a thread that goes on for 20+ pages with requests for MODO Guitar. Most of the high quality guitar VIs currently available are clearly made with keyboard players in mind, not songwriters. I think that’s what makes Toontrack’s plugins so valuable: they are made for people who want to make music first. You don’t have to play an instrument to get the most out of them. Ample VSTs sound great, but since I can’t play the keyboard my use for it feels a limited. That’s why I think next generation guitar plugins are one of the most requested on many forums, not  just Toontrack. The first developer to crack the code will be handsomely rewarded.


    Thanked by: Si
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