To complete your wonderful work it would be great if EZGuitar was also there as a new Toontrack VST.
I think it would be very successful, there is no such VST yet, it would be an opportunity to be top of the class again.
I totally agree! EZGuitar should include several electric, acoustic and nylon rhythm and lead guitars with eventual expansion to include banjo, pedal and lap steel, mandolin and other unique guitar based instruments as well!
Thanked by: drobinson0280, ea350 and Oscar SternI think that EZGuitar is going to happen for a few reasons:
For one, it just makes sense to complete the line up. With drums, keyboards, and now bass covered, it will only be a matter of time before Toontrack completes the ensemble.
Second, during a recent random Internet search under, I discovered that Toontrack has trademarked the name “EZGuitar”. To be fair, this trademark was established several years ago and I’m sure the main purpose is to protect the brand name. But I think there’s good reason to believe that this means it’s a project that they are seriously pursuing.
Third, the engine that would be the basis for EZGuitar exists within EZBass. It’s only a matter of fleshing it out so that it can by applied to guitar. Starting with EZBass makes since, as most bass lines are monophonic. A lot more is expected from guitar performances (strumming, arpeggios, lead lines, etc). Now that the foundation has been laid, they have the tools to move forward.
Some features I’d like to see: I like the Riffer tool in the Ample Guitar VST. After choosing a chord and pressing the randomizer button it will output some very melodic arpeggios. A limitation I’ve noticed, however, is that I cannot select a chord progression in advance and fill it will arpeggios. Even more frustrating is that it only allows one chord at a time, meaning that I have to go through a process of cutting, pasting, saving, etc just to get a chord progression. But it’s a lot of fun to experiment with. Would love to see EZGuitar incorporate something similar, but without those limitations. For example, if I could create a chord progression in advance, as with EZKeys or EZBass, and then create an arpeggios for the entire progression (or for each chord, if I wanted) that would be a nice feature. And then go in and edit transitions between each chords as is possible with EZBass.
Another feature from EZBass that would be nice is if it would possible to drag chord progressions from EZKeys to EZGuitar and then I could choose between having it create either a basic strumming pattern or an arpeggiated sequence to match (also subject to further editing).
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Toontrack release something like an EZGuitar VST by the end of 2021. Not sure if it would have all the features I’m requesting, but hopefully they are reading this and taking notes.
Yes, from finding this thread through searching the topic after the NI release of Electric Vintage yesterday, it’s obvious there’s an appetite. Being a Guitar player myself it’s still more than a certain sound at times you need to hand for filling the gap or when writing, just to have a chug or twangy damped chord there without tuning, untangling the lead from the last session and searching for that sound again, this would be a very good addition and yes, Toontrack’s user interface and timeline is far more friendly than Kontakt free 5/6 Komplete, still dunno which I’m meant to be using, which shows how much I’ve actually used it, though the latest addition above is pulling at the purse strings!!!
Thanked by: buzz_9Having been Spoilt by EzBass , I have started fantasising about EzGuitar . There are so many different guitar plugins out there , but none come close to the usability of EzKeys or Ezbass .
I do like the ample guitar GUI and the Evolution , but they’ll do one thing ok , but then won’t have the simple implementation of chord changes that Toontracks incorporate .
With other guitar plugin’s I’ve taken to breaking their demo tracks into small bites and converting them into apple loops .
Looking forward to buying the Chicken Picking / Eddie / Carlos Midi Libraries for EzGuitar , and the tele / strat / 355 , SG1 , Taylor guitars when they come out .
I introduced a producer friend to Ezkeys a few months ago . He thought it would be another Captain style plug in and he can’t stop raving about it . Im waiting to see his reaction to Ezguitar ..
Come on guys
Thanked by: Si, TREVOR TINBERG and buzz_9If Toontrack made EZ Guitar it would most likely be the best guitar VST ever created.
Thanked by: TREVOR TINBERG and Sash UsWouldn’t it be great if EZguitar had a feature where bass players could play guitar riffs with the bass… just like it is in EZbass the other way around?
License transfer fees countervalue is $ 2,250.00
So my anger about the Toontrack license transfer fee introduced in June 2021 is not entirely unfounded...
Thanked by: Oscar SternWould be great to see EZGUITAR!!!
Nylon and steel string acoustic guitar.
Come on Toontrack!
A-ha, exactly the thread I was looking for – if I didn’t find it, I was going to start it. Only the folks inside Toontrack know for sure whether or not this is being worked on, and they certainly aren’t going to chime in here to confirm or deny it (well, maybe they would deny it), but here are my thoughts:
If anyone could achieve a good guitar VI, it’s Toontrack, but (big but), it’s never going to happen if they don’t take an entirely different approach than other developers have with respect to building a polyphonic guitar VI. I am someone who has been on the search for that great (not even perfect, just great!) guitar VI – I have purchased ALL of them. You name the company – I own AT LEAST one of their guitar VI’s. I’ve been on this self-inflicted search for the holy grail of guitar VI for almost 20 years. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has perfected it yet. Each one has it’s own strength, and each one has a feature(s) that others don’t, but I have yet to find one that does it all, and even then, it’s gotta be somewhat user-friendly, right?
Someone earlier in this thread said “the engine that would be the basis for EZGuitar exists within EZBass. It’s only a matter of fleshing it out so that it can by applied to guitar.” I couldn’t disagree with this statement more. Every instrument Toontrack has released to date is either monophonic or percussion, and while they’ve stupendously risen to the challenges of creating those kinds of VI’s, guitar provides a completely different set of challenges. Anyone who has any experience using guitar VI’s knows what those challenges are. I am a guitar player of 25 years, and my attraction to this subject is despite my ability to just record the guitar parts myself, b/c it allows me to create guitar parts that I have in my head immediately, where I otherwise would need to practice for hours to get the part right, and/or do massive amounts of editing, not to mention that when doing metal and djent-type stuff specifically, tight, perfect timing of the guitar is everything to the sound, which is easily achieved with MIDI. But being a guitar player also makes me way more critical of the realism (lack thereof) of the sound coming out of a guitar VI. All this said, I’m sure some of the guitar VI’s out there are perfectly capable for non-guitar-playing folks who are just trying to get a simple part down as part of a composition.
While I could go on for paragraphs in more detail about this subject, I’ll just end by saying that if anyone can create an amazing guitar VI, it’s Toontrack. But I also believe Toontrack would not put out a sub-par product even if they put years and years of R&D into it. As a developer myself, and having really dug deep into all the guitar VI’s out there, I truly believe that the guitar is an instrument that can not be fully duplicated using software and scripting. It just can not. Can parts of it be duplicated, as in certain types of articulations? Yes, absolutely. If Toontrack is working on this or is planning to, I believe they are going to have to take an entirely new and revolutionary approach than any other developer to date has done. If they can crack that code, they will certainly nail it, and if they do, I will pay nearly any dollar amount they ask for it.
Thanked by: Tony Shaffer and buzz_9I’m waiting for this as well . There are obviously lots of alts around and none is perfect , there are some that give good results in certain situations . I find the session Guitar Kontakt plugins are usable as are the Ample Guitar and their Riffer is one of the more flexible interfaces .
Personally I see the Grid editor in EZ bass as a great interface and obviously a polyphonic version of that’s the logical starting point . It’s a couple of years since EB came out so Ive got my fingers crossed .
I do wonder whether EK 2 might be coming sometime soon as there are features they’ve brought out in EB which could be implimented in EK.
Thanked by: Si and buzz_9Today, I came across an app for iOS called Riffler (not to be confused with Riffer by Audiomodern). It’s an app that generates guitar riffs that can be exported as either a wav file or a MIDI file. The creator of the app is at work on versions for Windows and Mac that he plans to release sometime this Fall. Since I don’t have an iPhone I haven’t been able to test the app myself. But I’ve watched several demos and it’s very impressive. All the riffs I’ve heard sound very realistic. At this point, I’m convinced that there is no excuse for Toontrack not to release an EZGuitar VI in the very near future. MusicLab just released version 6 of RealGuitar. Prominy announced it’s going to release SC 2 in the next month or so. And now some guy in his basement all by himself working without anything near the budget or manpower of Toontrack is releasing an app that does many of the things I was looking for from a possible EZGuitar plug in. I’ll be sure to buy his app when it’s available for Windows. But I hope that Toontrack either hires this guy for their team or uses his app for inspiration for what is possible.
Thanked by: Oscar SternI currently own EZdrummer 3 EZkeys, EZbass and EZmix along with many packs and add ons and would be one of those people that would purchase an EZguitar immediately even if it had limited functionality to begin with……would be a great Christmas gift, lol.
Thanked by: Oscar Stern, Si and Sash UsPlease log in to read and reply to this topic.
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