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New Ato E conversion with Alesis Trigger IO questions.

E-drum Workshop
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  • PFozz

    Hi jakkerd,

    > For rimshots on my snare, do i use the keith raper piezo-switch diagram?For rimshots on my snare, do i use the keith raper piezo-switch diagram?

    In your case, using a TriggerIO, you don’t need the Keith Raper’s Circuit (just 2 piezos : Bow piezo to tip/sleeve / Rim piezo to ring/sleeve).

    > Can I pot 2 single zone toms on a single input and how would i connect those electrically?

    You can do it if your trigger is plugged into a “piezo/piezo” “splitable” capable input.
    In this case, you need a Y-cable (2 female mono jacks -> 1 male stereo jack) :

    Tom #1 : Tip/Sleeve (female jack #1) -> Tip/Sleeve (male jack)
    Tom #2 : Tip/Sleeve (female jack #2) -> Ring/Sleeve (male jack)

    > Can i add another trigger io if i need more inputs?

    Yes. Though, unless your VST host can merge the MIDI messages coming from 2 ports, use the MIDI sockets to link a module to the other one.

    > can i use the variable hall hi-hat system on a alesis?

    If by “hall”, you mean the Clavia “hall sensor” hihat system, then you can’t use it with a TriggerIO.

    Good luck with the construction of your e-kit !

    Best regards.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I’ve started the building process.
    U can follow it here, if interested:

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