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New alternative song with Superior Drummer, as of October 9th, to check out!

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  • onewayout_1

    Hey VERY NICE! I listened to it on my phone and the production and the mix were great! No harshness very open mix, the drums sat perfect in the mix,very cool guitar…keep going Mon!


    Thank you for listening & commenting, I appreciate it! Are you from a particular state or country? Just curious.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Hi Aaron,

    I’m an expat ( US) living in the UK now (-:


    That is one way out_of missing some of the Hillary versus Trump carnage. 😉 Thank you for replying!

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Nice job, lots of creativity. Always a fan of screaming guitars.


    Thank you for checking it out and replying, I appreciate it! I often got the guitar to scream by using an Ebow.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Ebow! Nice. I often wondered if I would like one and I do like what you did with it.


    It seems different people get different sorts of sounds out of an Ebow. I have discovered that if you occasionally lightly bang the Ebow against the guitar strings, or slide the Ebow up the guitar strings, it can give some cool sounds that I like (in addition to your basic Ebow sounds).

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    So, aaron aardvark, where are you from?


    I live near Los Angeles. I have all sorts of music related stories if you’re interested; including a few concerning Van Halen if you’re into that group at all. Also have some Neil Diamond/Elvis Presely related stories. Also a story relating to The Adolescents/D.I. if you’re into early punk stuff. Also a Spencer Davis story, and a Dick Dale story.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    I love those types of stories. Just don’t get sued!


    Long ago I played at Gazzarri’s in Hollywood; tons of famous groups have played there through the years. Van Halen played there many times before they hit it big. Then roughly 10 years ago I ran into David Lee Roth at a restaurant in Pasedena, CA. I started talking to him about playing at Gazzarri’s. I could tell he wasn’t thrilled to talk to me (he was way more interested in talking to the waitresses, what a surprise!), but he put up with me for a minute & then said, “Well good luck to you!” I took the hint & left him alone after that. I was still excited to talk to him though since Van Halen is one of my favorite groups.

    When I lived with my parents (long ago), I lived in Glendora, CA for a long time. Ex-Van Halen bassist & background singer Michael Anthony lived in Glendora for a long time (he has since moved to the beach). A friend of mine took aerial photos of Michael’s house, & was in contact with him on several occasions. I tagged along with my friend when he went to Michael’s house once (roughly 25 years ago). The house looked a bit like a castle from what I remember. My friend said Michael was leery of strangers, so he told me to stay in the truck. When we pulled up Michael was working in the yard, where my friend talked to him. Michael’s good-looking wife came out of the house & smiled at me (can I get sued for that?).

    Years later, (after I had moved out of my parents’ house), Michael Anthony’s wife showed up on my father’s doorstep with a real estate agent, out of the blue. She said she was interested in buying my father’s house for her mother, but nothing more ever became of it.

    More stories to ensue if you can stand the excitement. 😉

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    I love the stories. Keep’em coming. And, thanks.


    OK, here are a three or four more that are all related. Many years ago, I had a girlfriend that was into Amway. Not sure if you’re familiar with Amway, but they’re probably one of the first multi-level marketing things (some people consider it a pyramid scheme) that became big. They started out selling soap & house-hold products (sometimes door-to-door), then over the years they sell almost anything. If you recruit a bunch of people to sell the products (and if they recruit people also), you can make some decent money with it. So anyway, I tagged along to a number of these Amway meetings where they try to pump you up to recruit new people & sell the products yourself (only to spend time with the girlfriend). One of the meetings (in Southern California), there was about 10 people there, and one of the people was Ron Tutt. Who is that? He played drums for Elvis Presley for a long time, and has been playing for Neil Diamond for ages. Why Tutt got into Amway, I’ll never know. I was tempted to talk to him, but didn’t know what to say. Fast forward a number of years. Hadley Hockensmith (long time guitar player for Neil Diamond) used to hang out a lot on the Line 6 (mostly known for guitar amp-modelling & effects) forums. Hadley gave me some compliments on a couple of tunes of mine, so I was stoked about that. Hadley made an electrical device that helped take away ‘fizz’ (undesirable guitar amp-modelling noise) from Line 6 amp modelers. I met this guitarist (not Hadley) on the Line 6 forums who had one of these devices. I drove out to his house to try it out (he’s from my wife’s home town). As it turned out, this guy got a Grammy Nomination for a jazz album, and I believe he still plays guitar professionally. By the way, if it wasn’t for the Line 6 forums, I wouldn’t have gotten my first radio play: with radio DJ & rock star Tom Robinson on the Radio BBC (he co-wrote a UK hit with Elton John & has collaborated with Brian May & Peter Gabriel). Tom Robinson’s band had a song (2-4-6-8 Motorway) that used to get lots of video play on VH-1 and/or MTV. If you watch it on youtube, you might recognize it:

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Thanks again for another story.

    I am familiar with Amway. (I turned 52 today.) I’m also familiar with Ronnie Tutt. A friend of mine is related to him and used to see him at family reunions. Why was he into Amway? Maybe his girlfriend was doing it 🙂

    And I do remember the video.

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