Hey there,
I’m lost. For years I recorded drums on Logic using my E-drums and my Yamaha DTXPlorer drum module. Never had any problems.
For a few days now however, I can’t get it to work right anymore.
And it’s weird. Because it does recognize the drums but it just does not recognize most of the hits and sometimes just plays different notes.
For example, even if I just plug in the snare and nothing else. When I hit it very slowly it recognizes the drum and plays the note, but as soon as I go faster it just doesn’t recognize anything, or just sometimes starts to make a sound, and even worse other sounds are going of, like the hihat or crash, even though those aren’t even plugged into my drum module!
I know this may not necessarily be a problem with the superior drummer, but maybe with the drum module or something, but I just don’t know what to do anymore. I tried removing all the midi notes from superior drummer and then pressed “learn” on the snare, but it’s still the same thing. However, I even tried to set the dtxplorer to the factory settings, and it’s still the same.
Could it be that the midi port of the drum module is damaged? Or maybe do I have to change some midi settings somewhere on my Mac or in Logic or in the Superior drummer?