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Need Separate Mic for Ride?

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  • Michael


    Yes this is possible.

    After you add the Ride x drum go to the Microphone assignments window (in the x drum section). Then Drag the Green “OH” box to the orange “New” box.

    This will create a separate overhead channel in the mixer for X-Drum overhead. It will be called overhead, but since you only have a single ride in this channel it will be a ride channel.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Rod West

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for the quick response. Can you clarify– Does this assume that I have selected “none” for all of the other overhead instruments in the construct screen? Or will this create an additional OH mic? Would I choose “replace” on the mapping screen?
    Sorry for the dumb questions, but I am using X Drums for the first time! (I love Superior very much, by the way!)

    OSX 10.8.3, Reaper 4.3 64bit, 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5, Zoom R16, 44.1 sample rate


    This will simply create an additional OH channel. It will not do anything to the existing channel.

    You could choose replace on the mapping screen if you want the x drum to replace the mapping for the original ride. Im guessing that this is what you want to do.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Markus Wagner

    Hi Rod.West,
    To do so for the Ride, you should remove all unused mics by drag’n’drop from the middle area (assigned X-drum mics) to the right side (unused), just keeping the OH mic, where there is X1-OH on the left side (X1 = 1st x-drum, X2 = 2nd x-drum, ….)
    For the very 1st X-drum you can use the Reset button. For the following you shouldn’t use the Reset button anymore for it applies to all X-mics.
    By the way, to remove a new created X-drum mic just left click on the new created x-drum mic and say Delete.

    Wojciech Hołysz

    @michael – Is this possible for the kit ride also? I would love to control the ride mic, for the ride I have in my kit, without having to add a new x-drum (that would require me to edit every midi clip that uses ride, right?)


    No as suggested earlier you can simply also tell the New X Ride to learn/steal the midi note and it will be the ride played via your midi.
    But you do have to make the X drum first.
    If your not sure you can also unload the unused ride from its original position.

    Robin Gardner

    @Mazuwa said:
    Hi Rod.West,
    To do so for the Ride, you should remove all unused mics by drag’n’drop from the middle area (assigned X-drum mics) to the right side (unused), just keeping the OH mic, where there is X1-OH on the left side (X1 = 1st x-drum, X2 = 2nd x-drum, ….)
    For the very 1st X-drum you can use the Reset button. For the following you shouldn’t use the Reset button anymore for it applies to all X-mics.
    By the way, to remove a new created X-drum mic just left click on the new created x-drum mic and say Delete.  

    Hi! I like the post but I just wanted to Point out one thing when it comes to “removing an X-drum”… The new X-drum also creates a new mic channel in the SD2 Mixer and that wont be removed by simply deleting the X-drum. You also need to go into “Microphone Assignment” and delete the X-drum underneath “Mixer Mics”. 🙂 I had trouble finding this out so I just want to add this for anyone else searching for the answer to this. /Regards, Robin


    Can somebody please do a video tutorial for this microphone assigning and dragging?  Nothing is intuitive and the manual is useless ti me as are most manuals.  its just the way they are written that they assume you think the same way the person writing the manual is thinking.  Thats why most instruction manuals form most companies are for the trash bin.  I am really hoping somebody can do a video about what you guys all mean about all these microphone assignments and assinging.  Brcause as with Superior 2, i never understood these and how to properly incorporate microphone routing for ride cymbals. i always have to use rides from other kits because its very hard to find usable ride cymbals.  But we need a way to keep this routing for the new ride replacements very simple. this is too complicated with the mic assignments page on how x-drums tie in unless somebody can show us a video because the manual is basically useless to me for the most part.


    Hi Rack Addict,

    this thread is about working with Superior Drummer 2 but you wish to see how to with Superior Drummer 3, or?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Oh yes sorry about that.

    Ya its the one thing i never got to well even when i was on 2 but audio worked, sounds hit so i guess that was all i really needed to get work done but I would not mind understanding how the mic signal flow and assignments work in either to be honest.  The one area that always got to me.

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