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Need help purchasing correct Edrum Kit for EZD2

E-drum Workshop
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  • Hayden Wharewaka

    I’m waiting for a reply too!!



    I think you may find more tips and recommendations over at or
    Personally, I have a Hart Pro kit hooked up to a Roland TD-12 module with some extra small pads for cowbell, etc. but that stuff is old.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Mike,
    you can’t answer this question in general. It really depends on your needs.
    Before you puchase anything, you should take your time in testing what is comfortable for you and your playing.
    Some guys can’t get used to playing rubber pads or meshheads etc.
    There is also the possibility to use triggers on your general drumset.
    The most triggers on the market are sensible enough to transmit your nuances in playing.
    Than it depends on which module you use. If you browse through the communities on the net, you will see that the oppinions are veeeery different on what you need and what’s the best.
    I would always invest in a hgher leveld E-Drum, cause you also have the ability to you use the drunbrains sounds as well in combination. This can be very interesting.
    But you can also invest in such triggers like Versatrigger, who have their own computerbased Triggersoftware and “wireless!” Triggers for Triggering any VST Software or Host.
    Just take a look.

    I personally use Rolandstuff. Some older PD-100 and PD-120 that I pimped myself to Stereotriggerpads, and a TD-30 as a module. The Reason for this is that I also need a good sounding module for live Performance in a TOP40 Band.

    If I can help with any further informations, just ask.
    Yours Ilja


    I have used many modules from Roland a few Yamaha and currently use 2Box.
    Personally the TD20 without the sounds expansion is best value as its got all the extra Pad inputs as current TD30/50 without the price tag,if you are like me you will know that even in a TD50 you are better of just triggering SD2 and will never monitor the “internal” sounds so thats why its Great value.
    15 inputs gives you about the most you can get, If you did get a TD20 just make sure the screen is good.

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