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Need help picking Exp pack.

EZmix Pre-sales
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  • Jason Hood

    The “over compressed thing” is added at the mastering stage, usually at the behest of the label (not the master engineer, who REALLY appreciates being told how to do their job). The expansion packs are really for mixing, focusing on sweetening up individual instrument channels. At most you get 4, usually 1 or 2 but some don’t contain any mastering patches. The “Mastering” pack is naturally an exception, and funnily contains only mastering settings, and I’m sure a couple of its patches tip their hat to the modern mastering scourge (i’m also sure you would be able to dial it back if needed).
    By the way I don’t own ezmix yet, but I will pull the trigger on it soon.
    From your post, Chuck Ainlay may be the go for wide open clear sound (just going of the leanings in his resume).
    And I wouldn’t worry about whats heavy or not, apart from some guitar sims and clicky kicks, most of the other stuff will be very useable if you dial it back from the extreme, this can help avoid some of the cliched genre go to pitfalls.

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