I’m still working with SD2. I will soon change to SD3, but the projects I’m currently working on are started with SD2 and I am committed for these projects to SD2.
When I bounce inside SD2, my bounces will not match the tempo of my projects. I believe a cause can be that SD2 doesn’t receive anymore updates.
I found a workaround: if I record the outputs of SD in my DAW (Ableton), I manage to get audio files with the correct tempo.
Question: are these wave files (the recorded outputs in the DAW) of the same quality compared to the Aude files I get when I bounce my tracks within SD2?
I hope so. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello, I think the quality of the audio files you get from recording the outputs of Superior Drummer 2 (SD2) in your DAW (Ableton) should generally be comparable to the audio files you obtain when bouncing your tracks within SD2
“Enable Real-Time MIDI” might help in this situation, but “Enable multi-threaded soft synth playback” shouldn’t.
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