Muted Drums EZ Pack

Requests and Feedback
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  • Scott

    You might want to give the UK Pop EZX a listen. Tea towel kit in that one.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Scott Martinez

    OK yeah, that’s great.  But what I’m saying is, it would be nice to have an entire module that is focused on this throughout.  I think you will be surprised at how popular it is.  It is one of the biggest complaints I hear from most people I talk to about using “computer-generated” drums.

    So yes, more of that please.  Just having that one setting on that one kit isn’t enough to get me to buy that entire module.  $89 for one setting is a bit steep, because the rest of the kit, I personally wouldn’t have any use for.

    Scott Martinez, Owner/Engineer
    Audio Cave Recording Studio

    Scott Martinez

    Somebody just told me BFD has a DAMPING function and you can also adjust resonance.  THIS is what EZ Drummer needs!


    BFD Drum Muting

    Scott Martinez, Owner/Engineer
    Audio Cave Recording Studio

    Scott Eshleman
    “Sticks, mallets, regular and towel-damped samples available for select kits”

    “From the tight and deep allround tone of the main ‘UK Pop’ preset to the intimate and dampened Beatles-esque ‘Tea Towels,’ the rowdy ‘Carnaby Street’ that hints of T-rex, or the tight and snappy breakbeat-inspired ‘Bristol Eyes,’ the UK Pop EZX covers a broad facet of the British pop wonder.”

    Scott Martinez

    UK Pop EZX

    <iframe class=”wp-embedded-content” style=”position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);” title=”“UK Pop EZX” — Toontrack” src=”; width=”500″ height=”282″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” sandbox=”allow-scripts” data-secret=”UKgSPvAa8a” data-mce-fragment=”1″></iframe>

    “Sticks, mallets, regular and towel-damped samples available for select kits”

    “From the tight and deep allround tone of the main ‘UK Pop’ preset to the intimate and dampened Beatles-esque ‘Tea Towels,’ the rowdy ‘Carnaby Street’ that hints of T-rex, or the tight and snappy breakbeat-inspired ‘Bristol Eyes,’ the UK Pop EZX covers a broad facet of the British pop wonder.”

    Not really sure why you’re posting that.  I went to that page and read everything and listened to the samples.

    What I’m asking for is a module dedicated to more dampened sounds throughout.  That kit is very limited, and you really couldn’t use it for Metal.

    OR, add a feature like I mentioned above, that BFD has where you’re able to adjust it as part of the program itself.  I don’t even think Superior Drummer has that ability.

    Scott Martinez, Owner/Engineer
    Audio Cave Recording Studio


    Is there any explanation  how to make tea towel sound on snare of Ringo Star on any library in SD3. I was thinking of buying SD3 but only if I can have full Ringo Star similar drums, and especially tea towel sound! But I never found any explanation on any blogs or YouTube how to add tea towel on any snare at SD3 although many people are saying that it is possible, but nobody explains how?! Any help?

    • This post was modified 2 days, 21 hours ago by PecaBlues.
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