Music with Dream Pop EZX, SD2 and EZDrummer3 to check out! New as of March 16th!

User demos
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  • Spirit

    Hi CHRIS,

    Listened to “Trying To Create”. It has a Miami Vice (the original) vibe 😉 (not a criticism). The mix is good as it is.

    Have a nice Spring ! 🙂

    Modern Day Catastrophists



    Thank you for checking out my song and commenting; I appreciate it!  If you have music you want me to check out, leave me a link please.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • This post was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by CHRIS.


    Thank you for listening and reviewing my song.  I appreciate it!  You can download any of my songs for free, by the way.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    Bear-Faced Cow

    Being a bot, Betty King probably wouldn’t understand. That’s why it gets reported.

    For those of us fleshies who actually can listen and understand, “Trying to Create” reminds me of something Thomas Dolby might do and “Save Me from Myself” reminds me of something that Gary Numan might do. While I find the latter one more appealing to me, both are good, usual critiques not withstanding.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    Mr. Bear-Faced Cow,

    Thank you for checking out 2 of my songs, I appreciate it!  Thomas Dolby and Gary Numanoid are a couple of my synth favorites, so I will take that as a compliment!  The bots are my Friends Electric.   😉

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • This post was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by CHRIS.
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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