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Multi OUT in Mainstage 3

E-drum Workshop
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  • Ilja Körrer

    As far as I can remember, you first have to root your channels in SD to your Mainstagechannels, than you have to root your Mainstagechannels to your Audiointerface channels.
    Does this answer your question??

    Greets Ilja

    Pascal Procman

    Thank you Ilja,
    Yes I proceed like this: I route the channels into SD but in Mainstage (though I have the right number of inputs) even if I change the “input” channel; SD only uses 2 channels (stereo). I can’t have more than 2 out (left-right).
    I continue to test to find a solution and I will send a “visual” explanation

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Ilja Körrer

    Hi Procman,
    I describe the the exact way I did it last time, but in first (sorry for that question), did you choose your Audiointerface as the Output in the Preferences in Mainstage?
    If you did, okay, you can go to the next step.
    Now you create all the channels (at least your 10 you described) you desire in the Mainstagesurface.
    Now you can root your SD-Channels (or Busses) to the single Mainstagechannels as wanted.
    Remember that there is a offset in the chnannelnumbers, becuase the first channel is the channel your SD is imported to.
    So you will have to start with rooting the Kick to channel 2, Snare to 3 and so on.

    Than, in your Mainstagesurface you change the output of each single channel from Master to your desired Audiointerfacechannel.
    I just managed it this way with my RME Fireface UC. Okay, the channelnames you created in TotalMix don’t appear in the Mainstageoutputlist.
    They are called channel Out 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.
    Hope that helps. because for me it worked perfect that way.
    If you have any further question don’t hesitate to ask me.
    Even over twitter if you want.

    Regards Ilja

    Pascal Procman

    Thank you Ilja,
    It Works !!! 🙂
    Once I defined the OutPuts in SD2 (and I can choose in Mono Multi out or stereos, but with the need of rescan the plug-in in Mainstage to be sure that SD2 will be loaded in the right choice).
    I create only one “Instrument” channel in Mainstage, choose SD2 as instrument in “multi output” config (not Stéreo. So, Mainstage understand that and propose to me to “ADD” (with a + button in the channel) AUX-channel for SD2 Instrument. I’have just to define which “physical” output (on my RME 802) I want to receive the SD2 outputs.
    Here’s how I decided: SD2 in Stereo mode. 16 stereos outputs
    Kick: 1/2 Left – Snare 1/2 Right – HiHat 3/4 Left – Toms 5/6 – OverHead 7/8 – Amb/room 9/10

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

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