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Multi-instrument Song Sessions

Requests and Feedback
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  • Scott

    This is the exact way I work with those 3 products. I use Cubase as my DAW (ever other DAW will do the same thing.)

    I have a template with S3, EZkeys, and EZbass loaded. Plus some empty audio tracks (acoustic guitar, electric guitars, vocals). When I find a great combo of sounds/kits, i save a Cubase protect to use in the future. The best way of working like this is that I have quick access record live guitars and vocals whenever the mood strikes.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi Scott,

    Of course there are templates and projects, but that is exactly what I would like to avoid.   They take up a lot of space, take time to load.  Clumsy.

    I am thinking of a functionally more like presets.  Where the Song Sessions (maybe a better name can be found, Song Kernels ??) are all in one place, maybe with notes, and I can quickly switch between.

    I spend a bit of time exploring and experimenting.  When I find a multi instrument/preset/kit combo I like and want to experiment further with, hoping to seed a song, I dont want to have to make a “project”.   And then go searching my projects to find it.   When I am in exploring mode, I want to save combos quickly and move on to more exploring.


    Perhaps the programmers can find a way for “global presets” between multiple, separate .exe programs. Or, perhaps, Toontrack needs to create a DAW or a new version of Solo that could accomplish it.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Brian Bowman
    Brian Bowman

    It sounds like we are asking for a way to integrate multiple ToonTrack instruments into a single intelligent workflow making it relatively easy to compose songs using EZ Keys 2+ EZ Bass + EZ Drummer 3/Superior 3 instruments and “matching” MIDI grooves, song section transitions, etc..

    BandMate provides some of this and I need to explore this more because it is already very powerful and flexible.  Yet, it seems like we are asking for  a “Grand Unifying ToonTrack View” that simplifies and reduces the time necessary to put together songs with coherent grooves and transitions when multiple virtual instruments are involved. Also, we are now in an era where AI-based technology could generate much of this.  Hopefully ToonTrack is doing R&D in this area.

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