I know this has been brought up before, but it would be awesome if we could import songs to play along with in SD3. Can you please add this feature?
May I ask why that would be preferable over playing the background song with a regular media player simultaneously as running SD3? We have discussed having jam options in our software (loading MP3:s etc), but have (so far) decided that we should focus on other areas instead of that, since the backing tracks can be played with any other media software…
Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer
Hi Henrik,
One benefit for me is that I could add my own guitar/piano tracks and they would sync with the metronome in SD3 so I could practice along with them. I don’t use a DAW, so this way I could actually record the drum track in SD3 while playing to the song and then export it to my external multitrack recorder. It would be great for people like me who do not use a DAW.
Ok, thanks for the clarification! I’ll take a note of your feature request!
Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer
Hi there just checking if this feature has been added I would also like to be able to import mp3 to record along to. Trying to start an mp3 and then go back into SD3 is not ideal
If we could import tracks into SD3 we could use it to fly sessions for people into stand alone. AKA someone sends me a tune and the click speed. I import and line up, play the session then fly them the wav’s without even needing the DAW. 🙂
Hi! Any news on this feature?
This would be very helpful for recording drum covers/play-alongs as you could do the recording, post and export without ever having to leave SD3.
I would like this option too. I have been looking for drum beats with ezdrummer2 and have not found what I want, I found some wave file drum loops with the right sounds and bpm that I would like to import to ezdrummer2 and mess with adding or removing portions but can’t import wave files to try it out. Is it a problem for ezdrummer to detect and covert each sound into a midi format or?
I would like this option too. I have been looking for drum beats with ezdrummer2 and have not found what I want, I found some wave file drum loops with the right sounds and bpm that I would like to import to ezdrummer2 and mess with adding or removing portions but can’t import wave files to try it out. Is it a problem for ezdrummer to detect and covert each sound into a midi format or?
There is the Tracker feature in Superior Drummer 3 that can convert wave audio to MIDI but it’s not a feature of EZD2.
Scott Sibley - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
I have Superior Drummer v 3.3.7.
My DAW Software is Cubase (Artist Version) 14.1.10
Everything is 64-bit Windows 11 – Fast CPU, 64 GB RAM, Solid State Drives.
I dropped a WAV file of just drums in the SD3 Tracker where it is supposed to detect: kick/snare/hi-hat/cymbals/ride/toms.
It does. However, I have been unable to export them all as a single MDI file or each instrument as separate MIDI files.
I read that you should be able to do this ins SD3. I read that you should be able to pipe this back into Superior Drummer v3.3.7.
I read that Cubase Pro 14 has it’s own ability to import a WAV audio file and tell it to simply convert it to MIDI. That is useful especially if a friend sends you a WAV file that is ONLY drums. Cubase Artist 14 does NOT have this ability though. If there is some way to get this to jive in Superior Drummer 3, then I have not found out how yet.
See screenshot of my Cubase Artist 14 and Superior Drummer 3.
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