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Mouse Warriors, how do you make dynamics?

Studio Corner
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  • Nathan

    …beyond playing it in on pads or sideswiping the velocities in your MIDI editor, Pipe, I don’t think so.

    I just grit my teeth and bear it when I need to program dynamics in. At least we have the tools now to reproduce good drum tracks…


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    I’m trying to get some answers from fingers about the groove template extension, it might speed this up considerably


    To be honest, even things like groove and iterative quantizing only help for a small snippet, never an entire track, the only thing I can suggest is to set something like 100 midi velocity (or whatever figure) on as a default input value for your tool, rather than pencilling in from absolute scratch, other techniques of grouping notes and using velocity additions help bring certain sections up, trust me, even when a drummer has done programming a track there are *still* edits to be made to suit the mix in terms of velocities, it’s such a hugely organic process and there really aren’t any short-cuts just a combination of quick access keys and alot of patience.

    That or get the guy to play on v-drums and auto quantize the incoming midi data?…

    Anywho, it’s a painful task, but you’ll reap the benefits in the end.

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