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More Midifiles (grooves)

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  • John


    of course the easiest thing is to expand your MIDI Grooves library by buying more Toontrack MIDI packs.
    I do sincerely recommend the Songwriter’s Packs for starters.
    There are 3rd Party groove libraries as well, e.g. Groove Monkee and Odd Grooves.
    You can, of course, create your own grooves with Your DAW and EZdrummer. Just be sure to put/export them into the User MIDI folder (or subfolders) accessible via the Help menu in the EZdrummer plugin.
    They can then be accessed in the Groove menu under ‘My MIDIfiles’.

    Best Regards

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    When I have special groove needs/wants for a song I create my own using EZPlayer. You don’t HAVE to but I like doing it. I have SD2, EZ Drummer, Nashville, Latin ezx’s and I can usually find the right hit across the existing grooves to suit but can also move them anywhere in the groove build. You can piece them together, save them and recall them later to drag into your host. So, Instead of feeling like I need to buy more midi to get the flavor and feels that I want, I can build myself. Ez player also allows me to map and use the midi files that came with bfd lite that came with pro tools 8 le, thats pretty cool too. Of course I think I paid $50 for ezplayer. In my book that is money better spent than on grooves that I may or may not exactly like. With all the TT midi I have I can usually get what I exactly want pretty easy. That said, Groove Monkee lets you download a sample of 600 midifiles, which I did, for free (for now anyway) across varying genres. That’s all I can speak to……


    Just checked the Odd Grooves site and they also have some free samples of midi for you. I’m just checking them out now. Thanks John!

    Platinum Samples

    You may also want to check out our grooves.. formatted for Toontrack with famous drummers:


    Professionally Recorded Multitrack Drum Samples

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