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Modern Hard Rock EZX/Midi?

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  • Jay Coover

    You can certainly dial back the room sound in the mixer. Have you tried that?

    In Superior, you can also taper back the ring of the drum by attenuating the release a bit, giving you a tighter sound.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    Hi Fizbin,

    Tried dialling back the room sound and it does help ‘tame the beast’ a little but the ring on the drums is still fairly long.

    In the presets section there is a ‘gated’ sound which does the job, but unfortunately does it altogether too well and cuts the sound a little too harshly. That does make me think I could output the drums to an external gate and make the effect a little less dramatic though!

    Failing that then it might be time to start looking at SD as I think ‘attenuating the release’ is probably what I really want to be doing 🙂

    Thanks for your suggestions!


    The nice thing about SD is that it gives you a couple of options for taming the release of an instrument. You can tailor the envelope of the samples associated with it, or use the built in transient designer. Nice to have options.

    Mac Studio M1 Max, RAM 64 GB, 1TB Drive, OSX 12.x/13.x and Windows 10 (VM)
    DAW: Studio One Pro, Pro Tools Studio
    DTX Express III (Extreme triggers), Nektar LX88
    OWC Thunderbay Mini (4 X 1TB Sata SSD), Express 4M2 (4 X 2TB M.2 SSD), Envoy Express (1TB M.2 SSD)
    Presonus Quantum, Faderport & Faderport 8
    Black Lion Sparrow Mk2 A/D, FMR-RNP-RNC, MIDI Xpress 128, BM5A, KRK VXT4, Equator D5
    2020 Macbook Pro 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD Audio(mobile rig)


    I jumped on RockSolid because it read well and demos / vids were enticing.
    Nice to be able to save a preset, to program and play with so i
    only use it in SD2 with the snare and toms shortened, not sounding gated but shortened.
    Great sounding kit .


    Yeah ‘gating’ didn’t really do what I want. Goodbye ‘ghost notes’!
    And anyway you’d need to gate the ‘O/heads’ and ‘room’ too which gives a quite undesirable ‘electronica’ sound!

    Like Juicy, it’s the snare and particularly the toms I’d want to shorten… Being able to adjust the sample’s envelope or transient, Bradch00 sounds like a very powerful tool indeed!

    Thanks for the help guys!

    Any suggestions out there for good, modern hard-rock midi?



    Rock songs and basic rock are your best bet for midi. Check out the zildjian artist series by platinum samples, all sorts of weird quirky stuff there.

    Evil drums is perfect for the kind of bands you mentioned, it’s still available from some stores if you look hard enough. You may also want to try the CLA and terry date expansions for Steven slate drums, they’ll work very well.

    Pretty sure david bendeth has been working on a sample library, I wonder who for?


    Heya Machinated, I’ve just recently downloaded Basic Rock + Fills and I’m pleased to say that it is doing a lot of what I want… I’ll look into Rock Songs too!

    Evil Drums hey? The two options for Steven Slate drums sound interesting too, but I’m guessing they won’t work with EZdrummer?

    Thanks for the tips!



    Nope, Evil Drums is Superior Drummer only.

    Getting hard to find now too 🙁


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.

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