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MIDI Program Change Message in SD3

Requests and Feedback
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  • TanguyTib

    Hey Toontrack team, this topic has been around for over 5 years now, maybe your community deserves a few seconds of your attention.
    We can understand that this feature is late or not even in the roadmap, but at least tell us. Playing deaf is not a proper posture.

    Don Simpson

    Agreed with ALL !!

    We have a professional Band and have recently purchased your product.
    While it sounds great, it is limiting our shows !!!!

    We need a solid solution or you’ve received the last of my $$MONEY$$  period !!!



    Toontrack have very good reason not to reply vaguely about whether or not there is a plan to introduce (a) new feature(s). All Requests are read by HQ. When new features are implemented they are communicated via the main site or news letters.

    Though I’m not a programmer, I do know that what may seem simple to implement for an end user may in reality not be so simple, especially when you consider the amount of different type of users and how many libraries they have installed. E.g. I have 30 SDX libraries and 59 EZX Libraries in my library list in SD3. A lot of users only have a few, many somewhere in between. Implementing MIDI Program change to switch libraries and presets is no good if it must restrict the software in another way or if adding (or removing) libraries to your setup breaks your saved live song setups. E.g. you wouldn’t MIDI Program change implemented but you can only use one library and it’s Factory presets?

    Since I don’t think you bought SD3 for a feature it doesn’t have, may I suggest you check out other solutions that may work well and perhaps better than what could be realised in SD3 for Live situations?

    If you’re on Windows, there is e.g. Gig Performer, Camelot and Cantabile and if you’re on Mac, you have those three and MainStage. I’m sure there are other solutions as well.

    I’m just a Technical Advisor here on the Forum so this is not an official Toontrack communication, btw.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thank you for your message.
    Well maybe Toontrack’s policy is not to give any visibility on the roadmap, I can understand that. But at least they can respond to say so.
    Now, I’m not too much of a programmer, but it seems to me that you just need to implement the possibility of assigning a midi key to a preset.
    Then no matter how many libraries you have, it does the job. If you add new libraries, no midi key is assigned to the new kits by default and you have to do it manually. If you delete the libraries, these midi keys are deleted. But I agree that it is always more complicated than it seems, and never said it was easy to implement.

    My point is that to me SD3 has the best sound, responsivity, expressions and fine tuning among drum VSTs.
    The only (so big !) part missing for a live drummer like me is this “quick preset” feature. And I want to believe that it’s a “quick win”, meaning the time to develop it it is not so important and benefits are insane for live drummers.
    If the midi approach is technically too difficult, maybe consider making a “virtual pad” view or equivalent ? I just want to see those 6 big buttons on my laptop touchscreen, with nothing else on the screen, to be able to switch my kits in live. Today I have to use my trackpad to go to “kits” -> “user presets” then select my preset. The result is that I never switch in live.

    massimo loreto

    hello everyone
    I for kit changes have adopted this solution:
    1- save my kit in a .sd3p file (file->save as..) and so on for other kits.
    2- I installed deckboard which allows me to make buttons (from the cell phone ) with which I can call up the file .sd3p
    3- the kit is uploaded in 5 seconds to SD3 and I can play the new kit in my live.
    for each kit I enabled the metronome with the appropriate click (drum out 1/2 and click out 3/4) with another button in deckboard I enable the play and also have the click in headphones.

    I hope this is useful to you.


    Thanked by: analog missionary
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