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MIDI Mapping

Requests and Feedback
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  • Henrik

    The order of the lists are different for a reason – the MIDI Mapping Keys (in the Drums tab) are made to be viewed as a piano roll, as they are represented in most DAW:s (0 at the bottom). On the other hand, the list in the MIDI In settings is designed as a scrollable list – where it felt strange to have a list to start with the highest number (127). However – I understand your confusion since they basically represents the same thing. We are looking over the entire MIDI In settings page, and we’ll continue to make it better!

    The marking of octaves is a good idea – I will take a note of it.
    Unfortunately your attachments didn’t get posted – I think you forgot to press “Upload” when you added them. We will look at this since it’s not a good implementation from our side that you have to press “upload”.

    Thanks for the feedback, it helps us making our software better for you guys! 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    David Bade

    Thanks Henrik – here’s the attachment againMIDI-Numbers-Names.JPG

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