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Metal Foundry “Bleed” preset

Studio Corner
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  • Nathan

    Have you tried turning it down?

    Am I understanding you correctly here?


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    I’ve gotta agree this is a common problem I find with some of the presets, it’s like the initial transient is just skipping past any limiters, It’s like you can’t find a compressor/limiter with a quick enough response/look ahead time, and these are produced presets, so surely there was some allowance made for the tone being created but still not smacking the nuts off the signal chain…

    You can turn things down, and I would suggest a decent meter in the channel strip to check what you’re doing, effectively I put this down to an issue I sort when fully mixing, and I’m using look aheads on the limiters (not ideal for a live project) and linear phase mode on the EQ’s just to make sure there’s not a smearing of freq’s that’s causing a peak…

    Unity gain anyone? 🙂

    Jay Coover

    Usually I think it only matters if you’re clipping your master buss. One solution, yeah, as planetnine says, turn the output down from Superior.

    Are you seeing actual clipped peaks in a wav file, or just going into the red on the Superior output in your host?

    Maybe put a limiter or compressor on the SD out to help. I usually do anyway unless the preset is compressed heavily already.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings

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