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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


metal foundry

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  • Juicy

    You have only done the partial d/load ? Thats the way it is.
    Sounds like you may have mis understood that part.
    Then disks will arrive in a week or so .

    jason grunst

    ok i didn’t see the mailing disks part. i figured you pay for a download that was it. i hate tech stuff i have an issue every time. I’m trying to set my roland td-3 up through the midi set up but for me its like finding the holy grail i just can’t figure it out. if you know anything about that i’d appreciate all the info i can get I’m learning all this stuff by trial and error and its taking for ever.



    if you have downloaded the 2.4.1 plugin update, you should only need to go to the Mapping page in Superior 2 and select the Roland E-drums MIDI Preset. This should set up pretty much every thing for your TD-3.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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