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Metal EZmix Daniel Bergstrand

EZmix Pre-sales
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  • Rogue

    well, not really. The MetalHeads EZX is a fully processed kit, as in each individual sound source shaped for a specific character, and a number of mixer presets to balance out these elements (snare, kick, etc). I guess that you could compare this to asking Daniel for a drum mix and then ask him to tweak a bit the level on the snare or something else to sit better with the rest of your arrangements.

    EZmix (Metal pack) on the other hand is a collection of presets i.e processing chains that possibly, but not surely, can get you close to zoning in on these individual kit pieces character. They are certainly not designed with a single source material taken from the Metal Foundry in mind, but instead aim to be versatile enough to lend themselves to various instruments.

    To continue my fantasy scenario this would be more like asking Daniel what type of effects he usually uses in his mixes on say snare or kick, with EZmix translating a fully detailed answer that may be over your head into a number of options to try. The key here though, is that nothing is assumed from the sound of your instrument to start with.

    So, they are really not the same thing at all, regardless of whether your ‘raw’ material are similar.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    head case

    Thanks i think i understand. Metalheads is just a mix minus effects like reverb etc.. whereas ezmix is a full production including effects. Is that the correct way of looking at it?

    Intel IMAC 2.66 GHZ, 4GB ram, Apple Logic Pro 9, MOTU 828MKII, Toontrack SD2.0, TMF, N.Y. Studios vol.2, EZplayer pro, TMF presets, custom and vintage, metalheads

    Forum Crew

    MetalHeads is a soundlibrary for EZDrummer, a so called EZX (EZDrummer Expansion), this sound library contains drumsounds that Daniel have mixed. And also midi FIles (drum grooves) played by Tomas Haake from Meshuggah. You must have EZDrummer to purchase this product.

    Metal EZmix is a expansion package for our product line EZmix, it contains presets mixed by Daniel using the softwares (EQ, Compressor, Reverb, Distortion and so on) included in EZmix, this is to be used in a DAW such as Cubase, Logic, Garageband, Pro Tools or similar on instruments such as Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums and so on that you or someone else have played, this doesnt contain any sounds, only presets.

    So to compare the two isnt really easy…

    Mattias Eklund - Toontrack
    Head Of Sound Design


    ORIGINAL: head case
    Thanks i think i understand. Metalheads is just a mix minus effects like reverb etc..

    (to add to Mattias further explanation) the sounds that form MetalHeads have been processed with outboard gear (and perhaps virtual effects).

    I doubt that this includes reverb but I don’t really know what you call a ‘mix’ so I need to stress that MetalHeads is processed to the desired extend for a mix (EQ, compression, etc) – that would in fact be (one) of the difference with the Metal Foundry that you already own. There’s also quite substantially less sounds included so you should not expect it to be a processed version of Metal Foundry – that it is not (as in the full TMF library).

    And, to clarify, EZX-s can be used with Superior, and no prior purchase of EZdrummer is required (for those who own Superior).

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    head case

    Thanks guys. I understand. The metalheads is just a drum sound library and the ezmix is what i would use to do my final production work (or at least get me to a good starting point) I am still up in the air on purchasing the meatlheads since i do have TMF already. The only thing i would like from MH is the meshuggah midi files. Hopefully there will be enough of an interest in those to where you guys could put them out in a separate library pack like L.O.T.E. I will be purchasing the EXmix though. Again thanks for the insight i will try not to tax you guys with too many noob questions.

    Intel IMAC 2.66 GHZ, 4GB ram, Apple Logic Pro 9, MOTU 828MKII, Toontrack SD2.0, TMF, N.Y. Studios vol.2, EZplayer pro, TMF presets, custom and vintage, metalheads


    Those Tomas Haake midi files on Metal Heads is worth the price alone!!!! ‘The Metal Foundry’ drums sound great. The ‘Metal Heads’ drums sound just as great with more BEEF!!<- click here for GORILLA'S website!!!!!

    head case

    Thanks man , bought it as a Christmas present to myself along with custom and vintage and most of the midi packs. It was a very expensive Christmas but well worth it.

    Intel IMAC 2.66 GHZ, 4GB ram, Apple Logic Pro 9, MOTU 828MKII, Toontrack SD2.0, TMF, N.Y. Studios vol.2, EZplayer pro, TMF presets, custom and vintage, metalheads

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