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Metal drum programmer wanted

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  • Felix Olschewski

    I’m afraid I’m not the right one because I’m totally not at home in that style. But you might want to give more specifics as to
    1: Do you just need some slave to do the drums for you (no offence meant, really) or do you want someone to actively work on the music with you?
    2: What do you expect to get since you already seem to have drums?

    Good luck on your search and let us know how it went.

    Check out my album "Blood and Souls", made with Toontrack drums: "" Heavy Metal:


    It really depends on what the person has to offer in those terms, I’m all for collaboration if it doesn’t destroy my music. I had a “slave” doing drums for me but he’s off to University which means no free time anymore, so if someone wants to program/play/collaborate you know what to do.

    I have 0 hope for this forum, so the chances of me checking back anytime soon are slim. Message for a faster response.

    If it's not broken, blastbeat the fuck out of it.

    Thomas Seierø

    I just send you an email.

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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