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Mapping for Yamaha DTXtreme III

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    Hi – I’m pretty sure you can change the notes in your module to match your triggers to the EZdrummer mapping. Currently that’s the only way to perform it.

    Best Regards,

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    Nathan Watkins

    This is addressed primarily to Rogue, but to anyone who wants, feel free to chime in.

    I just recently bought this Yamaha DTXtreme III kit, and I think it is a great kit. It triggers great and I like the fact that all the cymbal and tom pads are 3-zone pads. I bought an e-kit solely for studio use triggering EZdrummer and Superior 2.0 (as soon as it arrives). I have always played acoustic drums and I am new to e-drums. I just recently realized a key difference between the Hart Professional 6.4 kit (which I was considering) and the Yamaha DTXtreme III. The Hart kit snare and ride cymbal support positional sensing. The Yamaha kit does not. I know this wouldn’t make a big difference with regards to EZdrummer, but I am wondering if it will make a difference in regards to Superior 2.0, because I read that S2 has positional snare samples recorded. I am wondering if you will be able to easily and effectively setup the Hart kit and Roland brain with S2 to utilize the postional sensing capabilities, or is that something that is going to be more difficult to achieve for the time being. One last thing, I know that you know this stuff inside and out, so I would like to know your personal opinion as to whether or not you think that the Yamaha DTXtreme III is a great kit to go with (even if it doesn’t support positional sensing) or do you think I made a mistake? Do you think the Yamaha kit compares to the Hart, or should I have undoubtedly gone with the Hart kit? Sorry to be long winded. I am just trying to be clear in what I am saying. Thank you very much for your help. I greatly appreciate it!

    Best Regards,

    Nathan Watkins
    Franklin, TN


    Hi Nathan,
    we try to be as manufacturer neutral as possible but it is no secret that we use Hart for our own demos and most MIDI recordings, usually with a TD-20 driving the show.

    That’s not to say Yamaha hi-end kits are any less worthy of consideration. After all an ekit is a combination of components: a module and various pads. The functionality provided by the former and the comfort and expression provided by the latter (group) is often a matter of personal preference, certainly to an extend, and what may be critical to one user may be totally irrelevant to the other.

    Positional sensing is one of these thing that is always sure to create a debate (throw it in on an edrum centric forum and see what happens) but for the factuals, S2 will be able to make use of positional sensing data send by the module to trigger edge and center samples on the snare, if such data exists of course.

    There would be nothing to stop us to record more intermediary positions in the future or apply the principle on other instruments however but we think we have the right balance at this stage but we will let our customers be the judge of that and ultimately that’s what will dictate what we record for forthcoming sets.

    Anyway, to me it sounds like you have made a purchase based on the info you had available and are happy with your kit so it’d say you’ve done the right thing… hey when I look at Eva Longoria I sometimes wonder if I made the right choice but a smile from my long time girlfriend just dispels the matter in a blink of an eye 😉

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    Nathan Watkins

    Well said Rogue! Thank you for your insight. And yes, life is about heart rather than externalities and may God forbid us all from becoming entangled in the perpetual cycle of “the grass is greener” 😉 I don’t want to get something just because it’s the “best” or most expensive. I do want to be discerning in deciding to go with a kit that will be the right fit for what I will be doing. Thank you again for your help and support. Peace be with you.

    Best Regards,


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