Is it possible to record and add my own midi “tracks” to the midibrowser in EZKeys and sort of make my own midi-packs? I managed to add a song in the most left kolumn, but not arrange parts like the packs installed that are separated in verse chorus and variations.
if you go to the Menu > Browser > Add Folder To Browser, you can add folders where you save your own MIDI.
If you right-click MIDI you have saved to your Favorites, you can reveal them in the Finder/Explorer and ,if you so wish, move/copy them to your Added User MIDI folder(s).
You cannot drag directly from the EZkeys Favorites or Song Track to the Browser, so you have to drag to your Finder/Explorer.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Thanked by: Douglas ByronHi, John
I added a folder and dragged a midiclip into the favorites below it. I got that far. But I would like to sort them like the clips from the Midi packs with theme, verse and variations. Is that impossible? I thought it could be written in the midi data or something. I hope you fix this in a coming release cause it would be really nice to be abdle to drag and drop clips and make my own packs with sequences I play or sequences that I have edited from the packs. Even just to add a variation to existsing packs would actually go a long way.
Thanked by: Douglas ByronIf you make subfolders in your Added folder, they should appear like so in the Browser.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
@John said:
If you make subfolders in your Added folder, they should appear like so in the Browser.
Yes, they do. That is nice. If it was just possible to drag and drop midi-clips from the editor and in to the browser, replace old clips with new, rename and delete them in the midi-clip browser it would be just perfect. This works but it is clumsy to add clips to a folder with export. Anyway it is a bit on the way. I really like to use the circle of fifths in EzKeys to test ideas and swap things around when I get stuck in a song. So if I could also faster build up my library of midi-clips in it it will just about do all I need with chords. Any thought of making the same style of plugins for EZBass and EZGuitar? It would be wonderful to have that along with your awesome EZMix presets for the Bass and Guitars. Drag and drop grooves with the CircleofFifths tool – yum!
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