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Make it through the night with Precious Games!

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  • Spikerama

    Great job. Harmonies? Keyboards? Is it okay to say it was sort of 80s sounding?

    I told myself it had to take some patience to build up the song the way it was built and then Irealized it was about waiting.

    Again…really nice song. You should try to promote it more.


    Hey GREAT Production VERY Balanced mix!! Everything open and upfront…..Love the snare in the verses! My first impression reminded me of Leonard Cohen with ur vox and the mood of the song…But then it really turned more pop…Great Job!


    @Spikerama said:
    Great job. Harmonies? Keyboards? Is it okay to say it was sort of 80s sounding?

    I told myself it had to take some patience to build up the song the way it was built and then Irealized it was about waiting.

    Again…really nice song. You should try to promote it more.  

    Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Unfortunately, we are not very good at promotion; it would be fun if more people got to listen to it.

    @onewayout_1 said:
    Hey GREAT Production VERY Balanced mix!! Everything open and upfront…..Love the snare in the verses! My first impression reminded me of Leonard Cohen with ur vox and the mood of the song…But then it really turned more pop…Great Job!  

    Thank you. Glad you appreciated the production and mix. This is the part that I really enjoy when it comes to this style of music. Quite different from extreme metal, but equally challenging!

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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