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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


MacOS X 10.15, Catalina

Product Manager
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  • Ska_nurse

    I have downloaded and installed the midi packs and it says ready to use but I just couldn’t open it from the product manager. I don’t know what I’m missing but I couldn’t seem to access the pop punk, and reggae kits. I might be missing a step. I’m just honestly clueless.


    I have downloaded and installed the midi packs and it says ready to use but I just couldn’t open it from the product manager. I don’t know what I’m missing but I couldn’t seem to access the pop punk, and reggae kits. I might be missing a step. I’m just honestly clueless.

    Are you saying the MIDI packs aren’t showing in the MIDI Browser in EZD2? Can you clarify what you can’t access and where?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor




    Ok, thanks-where do I find the sound library folder?

    I can’t open S2 so I can’t change from there/Mats

    In Product Manager, click Show Details for an SDX and then you see its path in the Installation Info tab.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    I feel so stupid. I see it now. Thanks for your help.

    Mats Levén



    Ok, thanks.

    I tried to rename, no change.

    I moved and deleted files but still no change.

    My Logic can’t find Superior.

    Can you please give me a link to the right version of Superior 2 for Catalina, also, can’t choose uninstall of

    Superior 2 in the Product Manager.


    Thanks, Mats

Viewing 5 replies - 76 through 80 (of 80 total)

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